Sunday 31 December 2017

"Workshop on MIG / MAG Welding" at the IITD

Dear present and would be Members of the Welding Fraternity:
On behalf of the IWS; North Zone, we solicit your active participation and support for the forthcoming "Two Days Workshop on MIG / MAG Welding by IWS, NZ on 19 - 20 January, 2018" at the IITD, New Delhi.
This workshop will also have a brief session on “TIG / GTA welding with an emphasis on recent advancements”.
Best wishes and see you all,

Thursday 19 October 2017



Related image

Warm Diwali wishes for the prosperity, joyful hearts, happiness, peace, and lovely feeling of brotherhood for every living being on this planet. May the cycle continue till eternity.

Monday 9 October 2017



Image result for professional teacher

A faculty or a scientist should be known as professionally qualified at any institute of national importance only when she / he has 1:1 indispensable relationship with the industries related to her / his area of research. Faculty shouldn’t be taken as professional merely for having a PhD degree. 

Emphasis must shift from Government funded sponsored projects to “Industrial Consultancy”. Government must stop the dole, however funding of absolutely justified cases may continue on select basis.

It is this 1:1 indispensable relationship with the industries that will help India emerge as Global Leader rather than a “Follower Nation”. Dedicating ourselves to Industrial Consultancy will bring following assured outcome:

  • Personal professional & economic growth,
  • Increased avenues for employability of the youth,
  • Accelerated growth in GDP & GNP, 
  • Controlled inflation,
  • Overflowing foreign reserves, 
  • Higher human development index (HDI), 
  • Automatic membership of Security Council through invitation and not through begging.
  • India emerges as World Power.

Since we have already missed the bus, therefore the only way out is to conscript all faculty members for mandatory “Industrial Exposure” of at least two months every alternate year. Israel and few other countries do it for military service but we need to do it for the sake of industrial revival. It is time for introspection. Let us not get written off as the bunch of people who cheated the society. Let us not be responsible for destroying the future of youth and their career. Let us justify the third law of Rishi Kanada (People can do Google search for Rishi Kanada). Let us understand the importance of giving back what we have taken from the society.

Remember only dynamic and healthy education system can save India and make it a “World Power”

Saturday 23 September 2017



Image result for technical brain

  1. Is there a correlation between the massive Direct and Indirect investments in Technical Education & Skill Development Sector and POVERTY in the country?
  2. Is Technical Education & Skill Development Sector responsible for very weak Industrial Sector and Growth?
  3. Is Technical Education Sector responsible for Mushroom Growth of Private Coaching Centers in the country? These Private Coaching Centers are using the same Curriculum for teaching.
  4. Is it that the faculty in Technical Institutes including elite IITs is not educating the students to the level what is desired for taking GATE and All India Engineering Services Examination (ESE/IES)?
  5. Is it that the education in the Technical Institutes including elite IITs is not resulting in Brainstorming in real sense and the same is not correlated to the actual Industrial examples?
  6. Is it that the Technical Institutes including elite IITs, knowingly or unknowingly are responsible for making India a Nation of Followers and Mental Slaves?
  7. Is it that Technical Education & Skill Development Sector is responsible for imports worth approximately Rs.4011150000000/- in 2014-15 from China alone?
Anybody solving this quiz will get guaranteed Self Esteem and Prosperity

    Tuesday 5 September 2017



    Image result for teacher's day

    I am indebted to my Parents being the first set of teachers and all my school teachers in MCD Primary School; Laxmi Bai Nagar, Government Boys Higher Secondary School; Laxmi Bai Nagar, National Institute of Technology (NIT); Karnataka (formerly Karnataka Regional Engineering College (KREC)), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) for shaping my life.

    Of course Parents are always the first teachers in one’s life. They are the ones and hence the best teachers who had the toughest job of shaping the raw material which they happily hand over to the school teachers mentioned above for super finishing operations.

    Impressed by the combined effort of Parents and Teachers, I decided to become a teacher such that I can repay to the society what I have taken from it.

    Thank you dear Parents, Teachers and Students for giving me an opportunity to enjoy life and serving the society. I sincerely wish my Parents and all Gurus who taught me at various stages of life a Happy Teacher's Day.

    Thank you dear students, friends and relatives for wishing me on Teacher's day.

    Thursday 17 August 2017



    Corruption is the greatest curse to the society and the Nation. Everybody talks of dealing it with iron hand but in reality, it is protected by building an iron shroud around it. People reporting are destroyed rather. 

    It has very seriously impacted: Industrial growth, Education, Infrastructure and its quality, Employment, Defence & National security, Quality of life, Justice, Law & Order, Medical treatment, Adulteration in food products, medicines, petrol etc. As a matter of fact every sphere of life is affected. One such recent example is the case described below:

    IIT-Kharagpur Professor Rajeev Kumar, who was given compulsory retirement after he exposed flaws in the IIT entrance exam, can now have a sigh of relief, courtesy former President Pranab Mukherjee. Days before he demitted office last month, Mukherjee had ordered setting aside of the penalty imposed on Kumar. IIT-Kharagpur had suspended Kumar for "misconduct" in May 2011, the same year the Supreme Court had lauded him as a "unsung hero" for his efforts to reform the IIT Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), which has since been re-christened as JEE Advanced.

    How do we progress? Can we progress? Is there a ray of hope with the present Political & Administrative system? The blunt and frank answer is NO.

    What is the solution then? Every one of us has to decide honestly and sincerely at least for the good of our own next generation. How many of us are ready to see our next generation crying and in tears? Our youth is already crying and is in tears for not getting employed decently despite having valid University degree. Please for God’s sake, don’t be so selfish. We have almost destroyed the future of our next generation. 

    There is an immediate need to reform the existing EXPLOITATIVE political & administrative system as it exists today. Task is gigantic. Not at all easy but if we all decide in the interest of next generation then things can start changing. Here is a possible way out.

    Start voting the deserving candidates instead of voting for the parties. The Political Parties contesting the elections are not democratic in honest & real sense in a largest democracy of the World. Criminals have a greater worth than an honest citizen in our democracy and election system. The principle of TRUE democracy is "For the people, by the people, of the people" but the criminals and the unscrupulous politicians have reduced it to "for the person (criminal), by the person (criminal), of the person (criminal)".

    Almost every party in India has ONLY one dictatorial or undisputed leader and the population of unscrupulous & cunning followers whose only agenda is to secure the ticket for contesting the election and remain with the dictatorial or undisputed leader like a parasite because the number game makes him helpless. The agenda of majority is to make fortune by hook or crook because they don’t have any other quality in them. This exploitative model of democracy has failed the masses and the Nation in the last seventy years. Kindly read the following blog for better comprehension of the EXPLOITATIVE model adopted by the Political Parties:

    These parties are flourishing just because good educated and honest individuals don’t have money and muscle power to contest elections. The monopoly of the Political Parties will end the day we decide to vote on the principle of “Quality, Integrity and Educational background of the candidates” instead of on the basis of Religion, Caste, Language, and Region. This may also provide freedom to the undisputed leader to choose professionally qualified members for the Cabinet. 

    Start voting for independent candidates as well wholeheartedly if they are good. The Election Commission may ensure that these independents don’t join any party. Instead the leader of the majority seats will be constrained to invite these good educated and honest independents to join the Government. Alternatively partyless Government can be formed purely on the concept of deserving. 

    This experiment may or likely to bring end to the entry of UNEDUCATED, TAINTED & UNSCRUPULOUS politicians or the history sheeters into the sacred Parliament. This will also bring end to the humiliation our Bureaucrats undergo while reporting to such politicians. I am sure the Society and the Nation will start moving on the highway of progress.

    Sunday 2 July 2017


    MAY GOD SAVE THE TECHNICAL EDUCATION? Image result for aicte and corruption

    I have been wondering all these years, after observing the continuous downslide of the quality and content of the ‘Technical Education’ in the country despite the best intentions and investment by the Government of India. I have now understood and is convinced that some of the Officials and Policy makers for Technical Education who were entrusted the job by the Government are in fact responsible for the downslide, deep rooted corruption and destruction of career of lakhs (Millions) of youth in the country. 

    Nepotism and Plutocracy adopted by some of these unscrupulous officials (not all) are responsible for this Decay & Rot. Nepotism & Plutocracy has helped some of the officials who have managed their Ph. D. degrees by Plagiarizing almost 100% as per the ‘Turnitin’ report. However the same cheats and unscrupulous officials don’t shy away from acting as the God Fathers of Technical Education and Academic Ethics. The integrity of such officials related to academic & financial matters thus is also under cloud. Such corrupt officials visit various Universities and Institutions as chief guests or invited speakers to deliver lectures on innovative research and teaching to the faculty & students. Such officials are also making and planning policies for Technical Education. How sad and unfortunate it is for the Nation?

    Anyway there is no point in losing heart. There is a sure way of salvaging the situation though the task is gigantic. Here is a first and immediate step that must be taken without any prejudice. All officers must be asked to generate the originality report for their PhD theses and publications which were listed along with their CVs at the time of applying for responsible positions. They can be asked to use ‘Turnitin’ software for generating the strictly time bound and self attested ‘Originality Reports’. Self attestation of reports which indicate Plagiarism will be like signing their own death warrants.

    Following action, in the interest of Technical Education and the affected faculty & students may kindly be taken after the case of plagiarism has been established:

    1. The names of the officers who have plagiarised the research must be made public.
    2. Their services with the parent organization must also be terminated by forfeiting all financial & service benefits, come what may.
    3. Necessary action as deemed fit must be taken for plagiarizing the thesis and research publications.
    4. Necessary action as deemed fit must also be taken against the erring Officials for hiring unscrupulous people in the organization.

    The names of the unscrupulous officials are known and could have been revealed but let the organization do the job herself. Onus is on the heads of the organizations to flush clean the system they are heading. It is very important to regain the lost confidence of the faculty and students across the country.

    Saturday 24 June 2017



    Image result for indian army national pride

    The current scenario forces me to read the above quote as " May God have mercy on our enemies from across the borders and from within the country, because we won't"

    It is very painful to see people keeping politics and appeasement policies over Nation. They aren’t ashamed of competing with each other in one-upmanship to prove their pseudo-secularism and pseudo-Nationalism. Either they are literate but uneducated & 100% misguided or simply traitors. These people are taking the Nation for a ride. 

    Our school education at the primary level has been destroyed or deliberately modified to ensure youth to add to the population which is totally insensitive to the self esteem of the Nation and also have no idea of National pride. 

    Enough is enough. The Nation has suffered and will continue to suffer until Government of India takes drastic steps to make one and all understand that Nation is supreme and the Constitution of India is to ensure that. People can’t use it as an excuse to insult the Nation and the honestly honest citizens of India. It is time for the people to start respecting democracy rather than exploiting it. Every Nation needs a strong administration and citizens to respect it. 

    However if some citizens continue to think that they are above the Constitution and the Nation then the Government must not hesitate in creating another “Tiananmen Square” if need be, but for the sake of Nation and Nation only. 

    Government must also ensure that they themselves don’t exploit the Democracy any further as has been going on since independence and if that doesn’t stop than the people aren’t ready to tolerate any more. People won’t spare the unscrupulous Politicians and Officials.


    Tuesday 20 June 2017




    It is Shocking, Humiliating, Extreme exploitation, Inhuman, Disgusting treatment in terms of WAGES given to the Faculty hired by MOST Private Engineering Colleges & Universities across India.

    It is seen & observed that in most Private Institutions faculty members even after Post Graduate degree in engineering are paid around 15000~18000 /pm all inclusive. Since the job is not permanent therefore it is as good as like a Daily Wage Worker only. The Minimum Wage Act, as on 1st April, 2017, guarantees the following daily rates:

    Stone breaking or Stone Crushing for the stone size of
    a)     25.0 – 37.5 mm
    b)     Greater than 37.5 – 75.0 mm
    c)     Greater than 75.0 – 125.0 mm
    d)     Greater than 125.0 mm




    57824 / pm
    49452 / pm

    28990 / pm

    23790 / pm
    a)     Without arms
    b)     With arms

    16978 / pm
    18460 / pm
    Assistant Professor in most private Universities and Engineering Institutes
    a)     Post Graduate (PG) degree in 1st Class
    b)     Ph.D. with Post Graduate (PG) degree in 1st Class

    15000 ~ 18000
    Comes to:
    500/day ~ 600/day

    Comparison of Labour and University Faculty (Assistant Professor) in Engineering

    Daily Wage Worker
    Assistant Professor
    Very few jobs require tenth class certificate but there is no education criteria for most daily wage workers.
    One needs to be having minimum PG degree and Ph.D. degree always preferable.
    a)     For PG degree minimum 1st class BE / B.Tech. + GATE examination.
    b)     For Ph.D. degree minimum 1st class ME / M.Tech.
    Age of starting a Career
    Minimum 18 years or depending upon the wish. This is as per “Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016 of Government of India
    a)     After 23 years minimum with PG degree.
    b)     Around 28 years with Ph.D. degree.
    Average investment in attaining required qualification
    Negligible, due to various Government Schemes Up To Class - X.
    12.0 ~ 16.0 lakhs approx. for BE / B.Tech
    6.00 ~ 8.0 lakhs approx. for obtaining PG degree after BE / B.Tech.
    20~25 lakhs for obtaining a Ph.D. degree
    Approximately 38 ~ 45 lakhs up to the Ph.D. level.
    Cumulative financial and other losses
    None. Gains and gains only when compared to the present salary structure adopted by most Private Universities and Engineering Colleges.
    Around 38.00 to 45.00 lakhs or higher + daily wage worker wage loss for at least 10 years + delayed family life etc. Almost impossible to account for every loss one undergoes on account of attaining a Professional Qualification which is worth less than the wages earned by the Daily Wage Worker.

    These two charts clearly show that equivalent protection is needed even for the so called Professionally Qualified teachers working in most Private Universities and Engineering Colleges. I request the Government of India and the Ministry of Human Resource & Development to bring in “The Minimum Wages / Salary Act for faculty working at various levels with these Private Universities & Engineering Colleges” at the earliest to save the vast chunk of population which is forced to work under the Shocking, Humiliating, Inhuman, Extreme exploitative and Disgusting working environment.

    Most Private Universities are responsible for murdering engineering education in the country and responsible for destroying career of youth. They produce mainly the 'Paper Degree Holding Engineers' and not the 'Professionally Qualified Engineers'. The large number of Professionally Qualified youth is fast losing the mental balance and are becoming a patient of ‘Mental Depression’. Since these Institutions have come into being with the blessings of UGC / AICTE, therefore the onus of doing justice to this exploited community is on the Government of India. GOI must work very fast else the Frankenstein will be out of the bottle soon.

    Monday 5 June 2017




    Comment / Viewpoint:
    Nation should conclude automatically. For some people at the helm of affairs in BCCI and many cricketers, it is cricket and wealth first and the Nation nowhere. All said and done, how can India play Pakistan? Thank God India won but what if we had lost? Indian cricketers had the golden opportunity of boycotting the match on the justified pretext of Anti India Slogan shouting and loose security arrangements. But for our cricketers (not Indians but players only) making wealth at the expense of the self-esteem was more important.

    However, GOI also can’t escape responsibility of not having control on the activities of BCCI.

    ICC can't blackmail India. Should we be more bothered for ICC membership than the prestige of the Nation? Please the "Dharma" must be Nation first and the Nation first only. India must not have any truck with the Pakistan until all issues are resolved. Pakistan is bleeding India in real flesh & blood by killing our security & armed forces personnel on the border while our cricketers are playing & enjoying with Pakistan and making crores? For our cricketers precious blood of our security personnel is thinner than water.

    It is the time GOI must take immediate action of disbanding of “The Board of Control for Cricket in India” (BCCI, A colonial legacy and liability on the people of India). It is very difficult to understand whether this Board is Indian or a Board in India managed by people for whom it is not important to be Indian but it is important to be a player.


    Something like "Cricket federation of India" 100% may be considered. Strengthen IPL and other domestic cricket tournaments for the enjoyment and entertainment of Indians. Play outside / inside with foreign teams only after keeping Nation first principle. I also request my countrymen for according greater respect to our security agencies and armed forces who are busy 24 hours a day in ensuring peaceful and comfortable life for us.

    May God bless all those who are directly and indirectly spending sleepless nights for ensuring security of the Nation. Hats off to all those true citizens of India, who didn’t watch the cricket match between India and Pakistan on 4th June, 2017 at Edgbaston, England.

    Please also read:

    Posted on: 17/11/2015

    Posted on: 12/05/2015





    Creating new Job Markets and Skills to fill the available space will remain a distant dream in the country with a collapsed education system.

    Academic Corruption has succeeded in achieving its goal of Collapsing the Education. Academic Termites won't stop here since the ones who try to use the anti-termite oil are being systematically destroyed or demoralised by the Custodians. Our Custodians took just 70 years after independence for collapsing the education which British Raj couldn’t achieve even in 112 years after the Lord Macaulay had submitted his report to the British Crown in 1835. He had proposed that we replace her (India) old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly “Dominated Nation”. British had their agenda but why did we continue with that PLAN even after independence? Only Custodians can respond.

    Let us be realistic and start calling spade a spade हमारी हालत उस कबूतर की तरह है जो बिल्ली को देखकर आँखें बंद कर लेता है।
    Posted on: 15/04/2017
    Posted on: 09/05/2015
    Destiny makers may want to ACT. It is now or never stage.

    Saturday 15 April 2017



    This is a very apt article which correlates very well with ours at least the technical education. Kindly read:

    One of the University lecturers wrote an expressive message to his students at the doctorate, masters and bachelors level and placed it at the college entrance in the university in south Africa.
    And this is the message;

    “Collapsing any Nation does not require use of Atomic bombs or the use of Long range missiles. But it requires lowering the quality of Education and allowing cheating in the exams by the students”

    No one is taking note of it despite knowing it fully well. AICTE, UGC, NBA, NAAC have all failed by and large. Most Universities and Institutes in the country are not having minimum desired infrastructure and quality teachers. Whatever left is also deliberately made to phase out. The saviors have become destroyers. They are the factories for producing unemployable paper degree holding engineers year after year.

    The strange thing is that all these Teaching Establishments have the blessings of custodian agencies like AICTE, UGC, NBA, NAAC. 

    Institutions of higher learning which are independent of these organizations aren't doing justice too. It is a dangerous situation. Unscrupulous faculty / people in the system are managing MHRD to their best advantage but at the expense of the students and the Nation. The people responsible for managing education have definitely ensured the collapse of education and hence the collapse of the Nation.

    This collapsing of engineering / technical education has compelled and forced the GOI to launch a “Make in India” programme instead of “Make in India by Indians using the Technology Developed by Indians”.

    We have almost reached a point of no return. Since the concerned people aren’t taking note of this dangerous situation means that we are on a path of self-destruction. Is there any taker? I know most won't like this article.

    After having spent more than 40 years in the profession I am of the view point that the major cause of collapsing of education is our Recruitment Procedure & Eligibility criteria. Nothing will happen until this is modified and made fool proof. Solutions are available but people need to be committed to education and the Nation first before the first step is taken in this direction. 

    Wednesday 5 April 2017



    iit coaching why when where

    The article in the above blog suggests IIT-JEE coaching to start after Class-V. Starting after Class-V is the endorsement of a 100% FAILED school education system in India. 
    1. Why is that private Coaching Centers are flourishing at the expense of the Government controlled and managed school education? 
    2. Why is that most Government schools are just used for taking DUMMY admission and the students attend the private coaching center? 
    3. If those teachers are teaching better than why have Government paid teachers failed? 

    Private Coaching Centers for coaching at various levels have become a Multi-Million Rupee business. Who is responsible for this state of affairs in the country? 

    Government MUST either investigate the reasons for the failure of Government schools or think of stopping the colossal investments in school education and various boards immediately. Let school education be out sourced to the private coaching centers. 

    As a matter of fact it is not only with the school education system but with all other systems where Officio-Political duo has meticulously ensured failing of committed persons with subsequent mental tortures and also by not taking any action against the delinquent officials as per the service conduct rules.

    Jago sarkaar jago. Ab to desh bachalo?

    I also request esteemed readers to come out with possible suggestions / remedial measures / corrective measures.