Wednesday, 25 September 2019



  1. What is the objective of running a PhD programme by IITs?
  2. What will the Nation gain if all IITs start awarding at least 1000 PhDs per year?
  3. What is that the Nation is losing by not producing 1000 PhDs per year?
  4. Can research be strictly time bound?  
  5. Is there a way to quantify the quality of research?

Merely liking it serves no purpose. The healthy discussion is certainly needed at this stage. Pardon me if particularly IITians feel hurt but in that case positive thinking researchers must come forward. There are colleagues who don't forget to post even an iota of irrelevant issues. Let us see if they get time to respond to these five questions.  Research is a bread and butter of our development.

It is noticed that every head of the institution is busy in all types of permutations and combinations for improving the ranking of the institute. IITs have even complained of biased attitude of TIMES to the MHRD. Please go through:

for more details. The simple formula is to concentrate or address these five issues and the rankings will go up automatically. The brand of perfume is known by the quality of fragrance it spreads. Similarly the academic institute will be known only by its  QUALITY research. Target this but vision is required.

Monday, 9 September 2019



One of the serious scientists has asked me this question, “How many theses were useful for public life”? 

My response is:
It’s an irrelevant question rather wasting time. Who is bothered? The principle adopted is "QUANTITY OVER QUALITY". Most Institutions including the premier ones are following this. May be the system has done the qualitative analysis of the faculty involved? May be the Custodians aren’t able read between the lines? Any country which has a compulsion of PhD degree can never succeed. Since PhD is a matter of developing philosophy and by nature everyone just can't be a philosopher. Therefore PhD must be by choice not by compulsion. Guiding PhD has also become a joke. Non-Philosophers are guiding PhDs. 

It’s time to get serious else we won’t be able to provide quality fuel to the institutions like ISRO and BARC.

Sunday, 1 September 2019



The Conspiracy of Scientific Fraud = 70% of Experiments Cannot Be Replicated, 50% of Researchers Cannot Reproduce Their Own Results

1. This is a unique place where faculty is officially funded for carrying out fraud research that brings bad name to the Nation and the Institute.

2. This is a unique place where faculty is liberally funded to travel abroad on Government of India expenses for presenting fraud research for bringing bad name to the Nation.

3. This is a unique place where faculty is liberally funded to travel abroad on Government of India expenses even by telling a lie that you are going for presenting the research paper. 

4. This is a unique place where faculty is officially rewarded for carrying out fraud research.

5. This is a unique place where faculty is officially promoted on the basis of number of fraud and manipulated publications.

6. This is a unique place where Scientists (Engineering) are so fertile that they are able to publish @ 2~3 Journal publications per month.

7. This is a unique place where fraud and cooked up biodata can reward you with the position of Head of the Institution. This means bigger the academic fraud bigger the post.

8. This is a unique place where despite reporting a false claim in the biodata, the person gets promoted instead of getting terminated. Such faculty members themselves don’t even know as what they are teaching in the classroom. These faculty members (vast majority) and the Heads of Institutions who have recruited them are Truly Responsible for Murdering the Bright Career of the Youth and Industrial Slowdown / failure.

9. This is a unique place where students are crookedly brainwashed to run for scoring grades only and there is no place for knowledge. Therefore there is no risk of incompetent faculty getting exposed.

10. This is a unique place where faculty is getting away without responding to the queries of the students in the classroom.

11. This is a unique place where honest researchers are made to slog and subjected to maximum possible academic and mental torture by the unscrupulous Scientists and Custodians of Higher Education.

12. This is a unique place where serious action is taken against the person for reporting fraud. 

13. This is a unique place where all efforts will be made to safeguard the crooked and unscrupulous scientists.

14. This is a unique place where Heads of the Institutions shamefully shirk their responsibility by putting it on the shoulders of juniors. This is also one of the main reasons for the widespread degradation of the Institutions.

15.   This is a unique place where Nepotism has higher weightage than the academic performance.

No immediate action by the Heads of the Institutions and Custodians of higher education in the next fifteen days will prove my point.

Is there any hope?????