Saturday 31 October 2015



The report:
आँखे खोलो इंडियाLike Page
Yesterday at 10:01 ·

अधिक से अधिक शेयर करें !

सत्ता से दूर होने पर काँग्रेस की मनोदशा समझ आती है परन्तु सत्ता दुबारा हाँसिल करने की ललक उसको इतना गिरा देगी कभी सोचा न था, लंबे समय से सत्ता में होने व स्टाकिस्टों (बिचोलियों) से अपने सम्बन्धों का लाभ लेते हुए कान्ग्रेस ने वह खेल रच डाला जिसमे उसने आम-आदमी की भी चिन्ता नहीं की,

अबतक एक लाख बीस हज़ार कुन्तल दालें जब्त की जा चुकी हैं, जिनमे कुछ छोटी-मोटी मछलियाँ फँसी हैं, परन्तु उनसे जिनकी और इशारा जा रहा है वो बड़े मगरमच्छ हैं :- फेडरल एग्रो नागपुर, नन्धी दाल मिल्स तमिलनाडु, अन्ग्लामानन ओवर्सेज़ हस्थिनापुरम तमिलनाडु, मेट्रिक्स एक्सपोर्ट्स नागपुर, JB सुपर फ़ूड दिल्ली, एशियन हेल्थ तमिलनाडु, आदि-आदि ।

जोकि काँग्रेस के ही पिछलग्गू रहे हैं, और उसी के इशारे पर काम करते हैं, जाँचें होती रहती हैं, षड्यंत्रकारी बचते रहते हैं, पर इस बार बात चली है तो दूर तलक जायेगी, मण्डियों से लेकर सोसाटियों तक काँग्रेसी पिछलग्गू ही सक्रीय रहते चले आये हैं, सभी सहकारी समीतियों पर भी इन्ही का कब्ज़ा रहता था, पहले की भाजपा सरकारों ने कभी इसओर ध्यान ही नहीं दिया और यह सिलसिला निरन्तर यूँ ही चलता भी रहा, अब सरकार भी सतर्क है और भाजपा भी, भाजपा की अनुमति से रिक्त पद भरे जा रहे हैं, ना की मन्त्रीजी की मनमर्जी से।

कांग्रेसी जमाखोरों द्वारा बीजेपी शासित प्रदेशों को बदनाम करने खेल खत्म होने को है ! पुरे देश में अभी तक 8,394 छापे डाले गये हैं और राज्यों से 82,462.53 टन दलहन जब्त किये गये हैं। मंत्रालय के आंकड़ों के अनुसार अभी तक :महाराष्ट्र से अधि कतम मात्रा में 57,455 टन भंडार जब्त छत्तीसगढ़ में 4,932 टन दलहन जब्त किये मध्य प्रदेश में 2,370 टन, राजस्थान में 3,330 टन ,हरियाणा में 2,189 टन दलहन को जब्त किया खाद्य मंत्राला द्वारा की गयी छापेमारी से दाल की कीमतें 120 रूपये किलो हो गयी । असल में मीडिया, जमाखोर और कांग्रेस का गठजोड़ मोदी सरकार को बदनाम करने की चाल में था । अब कोई भी चैनेल नही बता रहा की दाल की कीमते 120 रूपये क्यों हो गयी ।

मुम्बई बन्दरगाह पर ''तंजानिया से नेफेड'' के द्वारा आयात किया हुआ दाल दो महीने तक पड़ा रहा क्योकि दिल्ली की केजरीवाल सरकार सहित आठ कांग्रेसी राज्यो की सरकारो ने दाल की डिलेवरी लेने से ये कहकर मना कर दिया था की उनके पास दाल का पर्याप्त स्टॉक है । 

View Point

If all that is written in this article is TRUE then I would request the GOI to educate masses by:

  1. Bringing white paper on the issue. We would like to know the facts.
  2. Give all involved in abusing the humanity the exemplary punishment such that no one dares committing the same heinous crime against humanity even in dreams.
  3. All firms involved may be de-registered forever.
  4. Case of SEDITION may be registered for not lifting the stocks from the Mumbai Harbour during crises. 

I also request GOI to release these stocks immediately in markets and ensure that prices fall back to normal level for providing relief to the masses. 

Monday 19 October 2015



"Go through the article published as above before you decide to become an engineer, the head will hang in shame"

Teacher not teaching with commitment and honestly the course at the desired level is very similar to the story of Guru Dronacharya and Eklavya. Students not getting educated despite paying hefty fee and GOI spending so much for sustaining teachers and the system is the present day story of Guru Dronacharya and Eklavya.

Literacy must not be confused with education and hence literate engineers (not the educated ones) are facing gigantic problem of employment and industries are also finding it difficult to sustain in the absence of educated engineers. The present day MESS was a foregone conclusion. It is a very simple formula of destroying any nation. Our system ensures creating / producing mental slaves. Please read between the lines.

GOI probably has done everything to promote skill and engineering education in the country. The budget of MHRD alone is probably over one lakh crores leaving aside the funds generated through Internal Resource Generation (IRG). The amount involved in Private Universities & Institutions is separate. We probably can’t expect more. However, the people who were given responsibility (Custodians) of nurturing the technical education and skill development have failed it.

There are no laboratories worth the name in many of the institutions. Therefore practical exposure of the technology can’t be given to the budding engineers (Future of the Nation), many of the teachers don’t go to the laboratories. There is non-functional equipment / instruments / rigs meaning even if teacher goes to the laboratory, practical won’t be conducted. In many of the places practicals are explained theoretically or through simulation which is nothing more than an eye wash. These methodologies will never allow skill development and engineering education in real sense.

Incompetency, No accountability and 100% job security of teachers and supporting staff, discouraging students from making class room teaching interactive, teachers not engaging classes in many of the institutes, using sessional marks / attendance etc as tools to silence students are some of the main reasons for this MESS, the country is in today.

Unfortunately these unscrupulous people are in majority and have created such an IMPREGNABLE shield around them that even custodians of the education are not able to see through.

Strong measures as deemed fit are required at SOS level. Employability, Make in India will sustain only after this TREATMENT.




Beti hai to kal hai (Daughter ensures tomorrow). The existence of all those who indulge in female infanticide is also due to somebody’s ‘Beti’ (daughter) only. All these people are BIG Blot on humanity. According to:

Overall there were 806 girls to 1000 boys. The sex-ratio was 7201000 if there was one previous girl and 1781000 if there were two previous girls. In second children of families with a previous boy 1017 girls were born per 1000 boys. Sex-ratio in those with one previous girl, who were taking traditional medicines for sex selection, was 9281000.

Evidence from the second children clearly shows the sex-ratio is being manipulated by human interventions.

However there are social issues involved as well. The greed / demands / expectations / Arrogance (ill-treating the parents of the girl and later the daughter-in-law) by the Son-in-law, his parents and relatives is one of the main reasons contributing to the FEMALE INFANTICIDE in India.

This behaviour is unexplainable since the same people also have to marry their own daughter. They and their daughter experience the same but NO ONE IS READY LEARN.

All involved in any female infanticide [doctor(s), technical staff, nurse(s), couples, and relatives] must be booked under IPC Section-302. No considerations please.

I appeal sincerely to treat human as human only. Don’t fix a price tag for the male child (. Remember you also have a daughter to marry. Offer more love and affection to the daughter-in-law since she is the one who goes through a trauma of suddenly adjusting with all new people around. One can win heart through love and affection else life becomes hell for EVERYONE.

Saturday 10 October 2015



Image result for degree award ceremony

The system that is producing engineering degree holding engineers rather than ENGINEERS, the watch dogs who aren't able to do justice to their existence, the scarcity of grass-root level engineers. The tendency of sweeping incompetency under the carpet by the responsible persons is mainly responsible for producing engineering degree holding engineers. The failures of such engineers who are the product of this system aren't able to nurture and sustain industries. This is one of the main causes of manufacturing decay in the country and suicides by our engineering degree holding engineers. I hope all concerned and responsible for this decay will take up the cause of manufacturing revival. This will open the flood gates of employment and hence no one will be pressed against the wall of extreme frustration to commit suicide.

Monday 5 October 2015




Follow · 3 hrs near Lucknow 

मारकंडे काटजू या जफ़रयाब जिलानी ?
लग रहा है भारतीय राजनीती फिर से धार्मिक ट्रैक पकडनें जा रही है । अयोध्या आंदोलन के दुष्परिणाम भुगत चुके देश को धार्मिक राजनीती के घाघ फिर से उसी दोराहे पर खड़ा करना चाह रहें हैं । दादरी में अखलाख के साथ अगर साजिश कर उसकी हत्या की गयी है, तो होना तो सिर्फ यह चाहिए कि शासन और प्रशासन उसके हत्यारों को क़ानूनी जद में लाये, बाकी काम न्यायपालिका खुद कर लेगी । अगर मांस के गोमांस होनें की पुष्टि होती है तो प्रदेश और देश के मुसलामानों को मार्कण्डेय काटजू जैसे ओछे लोगों की सलाह पर नहीं, बल्कि बाबरी मस्जिद एक्शन कमिटी के जफरयाब जिलानी (Jafaryab Jilani) की नेक सलाह का पालन करना चाहिए कि "मुसलमानों को गाय की इज़्ज़त करनी चाहिए"। गौ माता की रक्षा को सन्नद्ध मैं अपनें तमाम उग्र फेसबुकिया मित्रों से भी कहना चाहता हूँ, कहाँ थे आप जब लखनऊ का एक मुसलमान नवयुवक कुंएं में गिरी गाय को अपनी जान पर खेल कर बचा रहा था? हिन्दू-मुसलमानों के बीच नफरत फैलानें वालों से सावधान रहनें की आवश्यकता है । इस तेज़ सूचना युग में अगर हम अपनें विवेक का इस्तेमाल नहीं करेंगे तो हम युवा किसी न किसी राष्ट्रघाती शक्ति को मज़बूत करनें के मोहरे भर होकर रह जायेंगे ।

The above article has made me to express my viewpoint on the problem the nation is facing.

View Point:

We are the wheels of the same vehicle (India). It won't move with one wheel or with a punctured tyre. I am absolutely sure that sense will prevail and both Hindus & Muslims won't allow their exploitation at the hands of the unscrupulous politicians with SICK mentality.

Every unscrupulous politician with sick mentality is using both communities to fulfil their lifetime ambition of making fortune after winning elections at the expense of the helpless population and then dump everyone (particularly Muslims). The reason of writing this frankly is based on the speeches which most of the politicians deliver to win elections. Their main agenda always is polarization on the basis of religion, caste, region, language and FREEBIES. It is very clear that nothing is free in this world but our politicians are expert in exploiting our weakness of “Everything must be given free mentality”. These politicians have stooped to such a low level that they have successfully without an iota of shame have created a divide amongst the “Dalits” as well. The new class is “Atee Dalits”. These unscrupulous politicians have succeeded in creating their burrows (Vote Bank).

They are into politics for not serving the Nation and the people; they are here to create windfall fortunes for themselves and their family members only. This conclusion is on the basis of their speeches, election manifestos, their lifestyles, accumulated wealth, and prosperity of these politicians. Affluence of some of the major political families in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh is like an open book.

Education, respect & acceptability of all religion (There is no way out), patriotism, feeling of pain for each other and above all, the loyalty for the Nation will only take us and our Nation forward. We have suffered in the past, we are suffering in the present and we will continue to suffer in future if we don’t change NOW. It is live and let live. Use of force, hatred and insensitivity to each other’s feelings & sentiments will destroy us.

The plight of education is amply clear from this photo of one of the examination centers in Bihar. Politicians in the back of their minds don’t want the population to get educated. They know very well that educated masses won’t vote for such unscrupulous politicians. This should be taken as a wakeup call. It is now or never. We will miss the bus.

It is not difficult to understand that the Muslims are the most exploited masses in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Why can't Muslims read between the lines the reasons for everyone competing against each other to become a self-appointed caretaker of the community? It is shame that some unscrupulous politicians (cunning) are treating in particular the Muslim population like a fixed deposit in the bank to be cashed during elections (Vote bank politics).

Another dangerous situation arises when unscrupulous Muslim politicians cunningly try to contest from the Muslim dominated areas after declaring themselves as self-appointed Messiah of the population. This particular formula is also segregating the population. This must be stopped. Politicians must be acceptable to entire population. We must not allow such politicians to maintain their personal burrows. One can easily read between the lines.

Poverty, education (Practically no exposure to most Muslims), and number of people to feed per family are some of the reasons which allow their exploitation. I appeal to all educated positive thinking citizens (Any community) to come forward and contribute in stopping this extreme exploitation. Exploiting humans for personal goals is against humanity. Worst is when a Muslim exploits Muslims in the name of religion. I am of the opinion that all educated Muslims who are in the National main stream can definitely explain in a better way the advantages of getting educated.

Please don't get into the trap of asking reservation to overcome these limitations. Ask and demand AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. This is the only way one can sustain with dignity. We must understand that RELIGIOUS FANATICISM and intolerance will surely destroy us.

Friday 2 October 2015



Political rivalry, extreme political ambitions and distorted & sick psychology of opposing everything the Government does forces a person(s) to just oppose even if it comes to sacrificing the interests of the Nation. This is what is happening in India. It is not only the CM of Delhi but all people in opposition are behaving the same way. Contrary to this all opposition unitedly supports the Government when it comes to the prestige and security of the nation in the US. 

Parliament may think of passing some law for disqualifying such people from holding any public office even if they are the elected public servant. 

I really wonder as how come the Election Commission is allowing promises and distribution of freebies to the public for winning elections by the unscrupulous politicians openly? Is there anything which comes free? 

Election Commission must also disqualify all such politicians who directly or indirectly incite communal / caste violence and indulge in insulting the nation for winning the election. 

Only mantra should be “NATION IS SUPREME”