Saturday, 14 April 2018



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The main cause of dilution or the failure of engineering education is the ‘Engineering Curriculum’ followed after the introduction of 10+2+4 system of engineering by the Government in 1977. Our visionary custodians of engineering education simply took off one year from the then existing five year engineering degree programme. Our selfish Pseudo-Intellectual Faculty responsible for handling engineering courses very comfortably took off at least ten hard core engineering courses rather than taking off some of the courses from the pure sciences stream which got shifted to one extra year that was introduced at the secondary school level. This decision taken in a hurry or unscrupulously was the first nail in the coffin of engineering education in the country.

One of the most unfortunate other causes of failure of Technical Education is also the failure of Selection Committees in hiring or selecting the faculty. The system has failed because the Selection Committees most often end up hiring the EMPLOYEES in place of TEACHERS. Unfortunately we don't understand the meaning of TEACHER but we appoint them in plenty. 

Journal Publication based existing selection procedure of faculty has is also contributing in failing the education 100%. The existing system of assessment just can't deliver since it is completely devoid of any 'Brainstorming'. As a matter of fact this system has been meticulously evolved by unscrupulous teachers who are basically the "Classroom to Classroom” teachers. No ray of hope because the system is in the clutches of the people who themselves got benefited from it.

Teachers help and ensure bright future of the students (youth) and the Universities / Institutions also grow / blossom to become World-class systems while on the other hand Employees only poison the future of the youth. The outcome is in front of us. It is the failed industrial base and un-employability of poisoned youth. 

The 9+2 system of school education was changed to 10+2 in 1977 and the custodians of Technical Education very smartly truncated the 5 year degree programme to 4 year degree programme by eliminating some of the very important engineering subjects instead of cutting down the pure science subjects which by and large is the repetition of what the students cover at +2 level. It means the five year degree programme effectively got reduced to 3 years. Further to add fuel to the fire, there are some Universities / Institutes in the country where Final year students are sent for compulsory Internship in the eighth semester thereby further reducing the effective teaching to 2.5 years only which used to be 5.5 years in the past. The T&P activities also practically eat-away the final year teaching in most institutes. Therefore the  quality of present day engineers is anybody’s guess. The most unfortunate part is that the students themselves don’t know that they are being taken for a ride by the unscrupulous Universities / Institutions.

Anybody having time to look into?


  1. It’s not only the reduction in content that’s being passed over to the next generation but less number of years spent at college means less learning time for “Cultural Exchange” among students from different background/society etc that’s killing the social fabric...

    1. True. Kindly share it as much as possible.

    2. slavery of kings and british had denied us the opportunity to be the part of industrial revolution and upsurge of science in 18th century...we got free when even atom bomb was invented...we did't had time to start from scratch...we are just chasing them from then on...we don't know,how to think in order to discover something...just copy paste stuff going on in majority...

  2. While it may not be feasible to increase the duration because of various practical considerations, it is high time to redefine the curriculum to remove redundancies and old or outdated topics and introduce future oriented, useful and other topics which can bring back our glory in international leadership, instead of selling our talent to others, who in turn create patents and copy rights .

    1. engineering sector companies should give their inputs...what are new topics they want an engineer to know...instead of crying that 75% of engineers in india are unemloyable...

    2. exactly rahul jha

  3. It looks like the regulating bodies are working under the pressure of owners of education businesses. 5yrs are too much and requires great infrastructure in order to engage the students in fruitful activities.
    No. of credits are being reduced further to 160 for for a four yr course through model curriculum introduced by AICTE. No. Of labs in the syllabii have been reduced too much. This is perhaps for reducing the infrastructure requirement in engineering colleges.Contents of Some of the important subjects have been reduced and clubbing has been done.

    1. students are loosing their faith on science education in india...they are not sure that after investing their money and time in college ,can they get a job...regulating bodies might be reducing everything in order to attract those students...but harsh reality of today is that 1 year of vocational training is winning over

  4. Yes agree how to find solution? Industry works totally different and institute have different curriculum? What's going on don't know..

    1. there is a huge gap between industry and requires a can help it, but they don't have time/money...they think that anything which involves government is too comlicated to get involved they keep distance and just pass the buck to students terming them unemployable...

  5. India needs faculty like you sir in the entire country everybody can't get into IIT but in btech they become serious but unfortunately they don't get good faculties..

    1. we also need infrastructure...a huge one...gaining bookish knowledge will never be enough...we need models to work on...simulation of actual field work...etc.

  6. Great sir,
    We all have to work for that and industry , students, facilities all have come forward to support this and take this at final decision after the deep discussion...... Same problem is for Diploma in Engg also I am a Lecturer in Government polytechnic... I am facing also this all...this will be a good initiative...

    1. government can play a major role in that...AICTE & UGC need to be tough on poor quality institutes...

  7. Teachers may know what are the reasons responsible for the downfall of engineering education system .but students come to know about this after completing the college when they do not get the jobs. As many proffecors or scholars says that quality of students is poor that's why they do not get jobs. I want to ask them if they are so weak or foolish than why you are providing them degree. Is it just to earn money. If only few colleges or universities in India could produce quality Engineer than why not they ban all these xyz colleges and allows only IITians to get the engineering degree . Who is responsible for giving certification to all this universities.students who do not get government colleges first give high fees in private college just to get the degree and after that they spent several lakhs in order to get the knowledge from the coaching. Even after that they do not get the job which they should get according to their potential.

    1. look, we are the one who appreciate the govt. on opening of every new institute...most of the science students can't qualify IIT ADVANCE...they need those institutes...Just to remind you,GATE 2018 topper is not from IIT...the problem is that we got ourselves restricted among major courses like engg., doctor, lawyer...etc...but this is not the whole world...schools must teach us to think beyond that...i m sure, if we look after other fields with same passion and respect...students applying for engineering would decrease and then only the quality will increase...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sir..

      As you said teacher is responsible for providing degree. I'm not agree with you.there are many students who is having poor knowledge in his / her entire education i.e. from higher secondary to till degree Although they want to go for Engineering and got admission. In exam, they manage to pass with the help of studying local guide without concepts at the time of exam only. Then how should faculty are responsible???
      Reasons of falling education system are...
      1. politics
      2. Selection of own candidate by commitee
      3. Management just to earn money and fame. They asked there faculty to give internal marks . If candidate get failed faculty is responsible in private college, which is totally not support education system.
      4. There are faculty who don't have interest in teaching although they join education profession.
      5. Selection of faculty by any managment whether private universe or govt. College and university even IIT, NIT or other CFTI's institution also on the basis of candidate college Tag.
      6.Lack of practical knowledge
      7. Compulsory of paper publication
      8. Now, Gate is also for higher education and PSU all are doing preparation of GATE to get JOB not for higher education few for higher study.
      If they don't get job and got seat in M. tech or PHD. they started doing M. Tech and PhD. Without interest because they are getting degree and scholarship or Tag and preparing for govt. Job by student. this practice is specially continue in large number in IIT and NIT.
      If candidate got govt.they discontinue there study from then.
      9. GATE should be only for higher education or EXIT Exam not for GOVT. Job. Like IBPS PSU should conduct there own exam twice in year.
      10. private management don't provide FDP , proper fund for enhancement of faculty ...
      There are many more reason...

  8. Respected sir,
    Tody Indian education system becomes like an Indian education business. There are lot of engineering college's there in india,year by year the numbers are increasing, due to that quality of education is drastically instead of quantity our government should focus on quality. The main downfall of our education system is due to our society and method of teaching in college's. Most of parents and teachers focus on students marks and grade's but not on there creativity. And one of the biggest problem in Indian education is lack of practical teaching of the respective subjects. Due to that students does not show there interest and passion on there field.
    I think for better education in India.the student should be encouraged not for marks but more for there creativity. For each completion of topic the teacher should explain practically about that topic and assign a pratical min project so that student can understand more about that topic,by this it creates interest in students.
    and finally the Indian government should recruit passionate teachers so that they can deliver better quality education.

    1. 1.creativity requires infrastructure, 2.there are too many phd. jobless in india, they need teaching JOB for livelihood, not for passion...govt can't decide who are passionate enough... 3.I like your 2nd thought...

  9. Shubham Pathak4 May 2018 at 23:25

    The hiring of the teachers is definitely a critical aspect as the quality of education( howsoever is available in the present curriculum) is continuously deteriorating. The more insight into the ever growing engineering colleges, all over India without proper resources and qualified teachers, proper labs, is very much needed as it has, instead of burgeoning the education among the masses, resulted in the underqualified certificate engineers.

  10. 1.there are too many students doing engineering only bcs it has repo in society...not bcs they want to do that...

    2.we made too many colleges to satisfy those students, even when we don't have infrastructure for that...

    3.AICTE & UGC were too lenient on pvt clgs...they just want more clgs...quality doesn't matter, a huge number of student are waiting in line

    4.we never developed a scientific attitude...we don't know what EDISSON, WRIGHT BROTHERS, JAMES WATT has to go through to make remarkable discoveries...

    5.we believe in what we can see...we can't see research until it take usable form...we don't have can we hav that...we are way behind WEST countries bcs we got freedom very we just buy technolgy from other countries...and feel that we are developing bcs we are using modern tech... are too opaque on jobs...they need to coordinate with the proper authorities to mould the engineering syllabus as per market needs...but instead of that they go GAGA over QUALITY, UNEMPLOYABLE STUDENTS...

    7.a huge bulk of indian students are wasting their crucial years on govt job it almost 10 times...pls somebody use their energy on development of our country...

    8.a huge ANARCHY is spread everywhere, nobody knows what is right...some are just lucky to find their way...most of them are not...we need a SYSTEM...nd we are with you sir...I appreciate your initiative...just make it big...


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sir after Gate ,topper s block mtech seats and go for PSU jobs. This should be stopped and include psu in COAP

    1. this is not a good decision , one can get selected at more than one exams acc to his ability

  13. students dont get proper knowledge, concepts, that much awareness about competitive exams and further studies at school level.somewhere it remains in their minds that cracking jee is tough thats why coaching industry is growing year by year.then they go to kota, after engg they pay fees to various gate coachings (baniye ki dukan) thats why they suffer

  14. Shubham Lidhade11 May 2018 at 01:24

    Respected sir,
    1.Teachers can play a big role in reviving education in engineering colleges.
    I have seen students who don't use to attend the colleges due to teachers and their teaching,but same students when took coaching for gate or any exams they are able to seat even for 12 hours,some reasons are due to knowledge of the teacher or the interest created by the teacher.
    2.Some courses/subjects should be modified with the changing time.. For example I have done diploma, graduation and currently pursuing masters in mechanical but still i am learning some course contents which i have learnt in diploma and degree and also at same depth level.
    3.IIT'S can help by spreading their culture to colleges/students across the india... Like if there are workshops or lectures by IIT students in an ordinary college, students can get motivated to something better, they can get atleast idea about where we are, how we should develop.Many times students think that if this thing we would have known in First year then today's our situation would have been different.

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