The better term to describe our political system is “POLITOCRACY”. POLITOCRACY is a political form of government where the politicians work for themselves, neither for the party, nor the electorate. Our politicians most without professional qualifications and experiences but with pending court cases are capable of making policies for steering the Nation. This includes the three major ones as well (Foreign, Defence, and Education). The education policy is in fact the backbone of the Nation but our Politocracy has ensured that it remains broken forever. Since we are the true captive vote bank members, have “No vision and self-esteem”.
Another term that describes our system accurately is “CORRUTOCRACY”. This means “for the corrupt, by the corrupt, of the corrupt”. This corruption could be Financial, Moral and Ethical or all in one. This mainly is based on buy and sale of Political Souls (Horse Trading) for building empire of corruption for family and self.
The hybrid term could be "Politico-Corruptocracy"