Sunday, 31 May 2015



A controversy has arisen in IIT-Madras as it has banned Ambedkar Periyar Student Circle, a discussion forum for students to promote the ideology and writings of BR Ambedkar and Periyar EV Ramasamy, after the ministry of human resource development made an inquiry regarding an anonymous complaint it had received on the activities of the Dalit rights group on the IIT campus.

Prisca Mathew, under-secretary to the government of India in the MHRD, wrote to the director, IIT Madras on May 15, 2015 on "distribution of controversial posters and pamphlets in the campus of IIT-Madras and creating hatred atmosphere (sic) among the students by one of the student groups namely Ambedkar-Periyar".


Our opportunistic politicians will continue to exploit anything and everything to farther their personal interests. They have nothing to project in terms of contributing for the positive proactive development of the nation. Everyone is busy creating and maintaining their own islands of influence (VOTE BANK POLITICS). Country has lost the opportunity of establishing herself as a world power. There is no world class university, no world class manufacturing (I mean 100% Indian effort) etc. I know some people may react but we have hardly anything in 67 years where our leadership in any of the fields is recognized by the world. Who is responsible? I know we all are to blame ourselves but what now? To me it looks the AFFIRMATIVE action instead of appeasement policy must be the way of life. 

The nation needs most is a positive action in favour of good quality HUMAN life for all, irrespective of caste, religion, language, location and income. This nation belongs to all equally and no one should be allowed to exploit it. Caste based reservation is leading to polarization of the society. Caste based reservation only benefit a few affluent sections amongst the identified groups. This may help only the political parties in achieving their goals but at the EXPENSE of the nation. Remember this division or polarization in the society will only strengthen our enemies. Also remember the caste based reservation won’t neutralize the sins and crimes committed by our earlier generations. I sincerely request everyone who has suffered to pardon all those responsible and let there be an emergence of new homogeneous society with a firm belief in “Live and let live”. Let us come forward and ensure that this polarization is not passed over to the next generation. 

The cheap politics and any violence can be curbed if our politicians and Social Scientists are made to come for 1:1 TV debate on the subject such that entire nation is able to participate in the debate. GOI or some honest NGO can maintain one such channel on continuous basis for this purpose only.



RTI reveals “Babus” partied on relief fund while the rescue operations were controlled by the Army during the 2013 flash floods in Kedarnath, the state government officers had no sense of urgency.

Read the full story:

View Point
This kind of corruption is at mass level in India. If people start asking information under RTI Act of 2005, it will take years to provide complete information. More so officials have become smart & intelligent while indulging in corruption. Every now and then one can hear seniors & smarter colleague advising to make sure that there is no RTI and in case it is there, nothing is revealed.

I really wonder if only iota this wisdom is used in performing duty as per rules / law of land, India would have emerged as a mentor state globally.

However we the people expect GOI and GOU to suspend all officials involved including all those who passed / audited such bills. Height is submitting two wheeler petrol automobiles numbers as four wheeler numbers for submitting false claims if the attached report is correct. How can one enjoy and indulge in corruption in a situation where thousands died? They seem to be soul-less people. We are definitely ashamed of such people.

The link below gives clear picture of India as projected by Transparency International.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015



It has been observed that online buying at times is more expensive than the market. Is it the exploitation of the sentiment and general belief that since there are no middlemen, wholesalers and retailers, the prices offered by online companies are going to be cheap? Also quality at times is horrible, wrong products are sent, description is not clear, inadequate packaging etc.

The response of various people clearly proves this point. I think these companies will force us to start visiting the old traditional markets again unless online companies prove our observation wrong. They are duty-bound to ensure our faith in them.

Online price checking can be made more dynamic and apart from comparing the prices offered by online companies alone they should also be able to guide the public about the price if the same product is purchased from the market.

Though it is very convenient by and large but it is time for online companies to revisit their pricing and quality policies and they must also start guaranteeing lowest price wherever confident.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015



Such incidences occur in our country just because people indulging in such acts have no confidence in their nationality, national pride and self-esteem. 

Ricky Ponting tapping BCCI president Sri Sharad Pawar is another such example. Remember Sri Sharad Pawar was also the union minister that time.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015



“The PM travels the world, but has not visited the home of even one farmer" made by one of our prominent politicians is not in good taste.

I really wonder as how visiting the homes of farmers and for that matter anybody will improve their condition? Is it a magic wand?

We expect our politicians to lead us and the nation from the front. Wisdom / politics of this level will always be detrimental.



Whatever is happening in Delhi between Lieutenant Governor and Government of Delhi is the step towards destruction of beautiful fabric of DEMOCRACY, we are proud of. I would not like to go in the merit of the case but sincerely request all responsible for safeguarding the beautiful fabric of democracy to act immediately without any prejudice.

Involving bureaucracy is also a shameful act. They are being tortured and humiliated for no fault of theirs. 

Sunday, 17 May 2015



“In a shocking incidence of caste violence in Rajasthan's Nagaur district, the dominant Jat community allegedly mowed down 3 Dalits by tractors following a long pending land dispute. The violence was triggered after a popular member of the Jat community was killed in firing by Dalits in Dangwas village. Scores were injured in the clash and thousands of Dalits have fled from neighbouring villages to save their lives.

The administration has deployed heavy police force to enable funeral of those killed and restore peace in the area but no arrests have been made so far. As per reports, horrific crimes were also committed against dalit women, including molestation and beating. Some have also complained of attempts of disrobing.”


This gory incidence makes our heads hang in shame. This happening in the country is the result of “Vote politics” which our so called leaders vouch very strongly to keep the society divided for fulfilling their nefarious goals. Election agenda of our political parties is based on wooing only cluster of people (Vote bank) rather than taking nation forward. This is the reason that all our text books right at the primary level sow the seed of division by teaching us the divisive policies of Britishers. Our books nowhere warn us that we as Indians were greatest fools who got divided and Britishers kept exploiting us. The failure of “Gadar” of 1857 was the result of this foolishness of us Indians.

Same exploitative practice is followed in letter & spirit by our so called leaders who claim to have given us freedom from foreign rule. Hence we continue to suffer in our own country.

It is high time we as Indians must rise to the occasion and real need of the hour to abandon the practice of division on the basis of caste, religion, region and language. Let us be Indians first than anything else.

Our national goal must be “Affirmative action”. IT IS TIME TO LEARN. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Friday, 15 May 2015



Why is that only Humans continue to drink animal milk and other byproducts even after they have grown fully while there is no other mammal on the planet who is having the same habit? Why is that we humans are defying nature at the expense of helpless animals?

It is only this belief of humans that has sustained multi-billion dollar dairy industry globally. It is this belief that has given flourishing business of adulteration and synthetic milk. Adulteration and synthetic milk both are responsible for multiple health complications instead of improving the health to humans. 

India is also the largest producer of milk in the world and recorded 146.3 million Tonnes (146,300,000,000 kg) in 2014-15.  India's milk production is growing by 35.61% during the last six years to 198.4 million tonnes in 2019-20, says the Economic Survey. “Milk production in the country has increased from 146.3 million tonnes in 2014-15 to 198.4 million tonnes in 2019-20” (

This figure is open for brainstorming to link it with the health and number of milk yielding cattle in the country. 

Tuesday, 12 May 2015



The main reason, probably, for not having a single world class university is the absence of a strong and healthy higher education system in place. The fact that we don’t have any university in the elite group of top 100 varsities globally only supports the above supposition. The best ranking ever achieved is by Punjab University which is still ranked amongst the top 223-250. The so called institutes of national importance have managed rankings amongst the top 351-400.

It is time we abandon the present system and redefine national goals so as to regain our “self-esteem & self-confidence”.

It is right time to identify pseudo intellectuals on priority and not let them continue to damage the education sector. On the other hand, we also need to identify and eliminate all hindrances in developing grass root technology through education and research. We need to produce only “Ranchos” and not the “Chatur Ramalingams”, the two distinct characters of famous Hindi movie “Three Idiots”. Unfortunately our education system is presently in the clutches of “Chatur Ramalingams” and our determination should be to change the long persistent status-quo.

It is time for India to lead from the front and this can be realised only when we as Indians overcome the psychological barriers which are acting akin fetters in the times of rapid industrial and economic growth.

Brain storming should be the key word at every level for achieving this goal; for its education and not literacy that makes a nation strong. We ought to realize our potential through self-reliance and walk on the highway of growth.

·        “Be the leader, rather than a follower”
·       “Innovate or perish”
·       “If they can (western countries), why can’t we?”

The philosophy that “everything from west is always good” is serving as the greatest psychological barrier that we need to overcome. We must “stop looking towards west for technology & solutions”

At the same time, there are areas where we need to redefine our national objectives. One of them is to plug the leakage of foreign exchange taking place for attaining higher education and divert / channelize it to the core areas of Indian economy like defence preparedness and other centric needs. USA’s Per Capita Income for 2013-14 at Rs. 265505/month is 13X that of India at Rs. 20385/month. Per capita income is a measure of a country’s living standard. According to IMF, India lags behind 132 nation-states in terms of per capita income.

As an educationist and innovative researcher, I am of the view that the education sector is one of the major sectors that are contributing to high foreign exchange outflows. We are spending multi-million dollars, without accountability on higher education and research.

Should India play cricket with Pakistan in the UAE?

The entire nation wants to play Pakistan and for that matter any country but this shouldn't be at the cost of self-esteem. National pride lies in playing Pakistan in Pakistan, England in England etc. If the host country can’t ensure safety which as a matter of fact means we as Indians are not welcome in Pakistan.

GOI must ensure that BCCI must play in Pakistan only. Playing at some other venue clearly proves that BCCI isn’t bothered about the National Pride. MONEY AND ONLY MONEY seems to be the concern of BCCI.

Sunday, 10 May 2015



I would like to express my viewpoint on the issue of developing highly skilled 22 million workforce by 2022. I have been actively associated with the academic system and industries all along my professional career. As Vice Chancellor (Director) of Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology (Deemed University under MHRD), I got an opportunity to study and observe very closely the reasons for this Institute not taking off as it was envisaged despite massive investments and facilities to the students. As a matter of fact most of ITIs have also not been able to serve the purpose. I would like to express my viewpoint on the crisis the country is facing in terms of skilled manpower and why the NCVT, Directorate General of Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour, Government of India and National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) is not able to translate sincere policies and vision of the GOI into reality, as under:

  1. Quality and content of course.
  2. Hardly any ‘Brain Storming’ during training in ITIs.
  3. Quality and commitment of the Teachers / Instructors entrusted with the task.
  4. The commitment / seriousness with which students / society takes / treats this scheme.
  5. Future prospects in terms of career growth and buying power.
  6. Place and respect in the society.
  1. On paper and in black & white it’s fine but in reality the concept has been branded as only for those who fail to move up comfortably in a conventional schooling or those who fail to cope up with it (academically weak students).
  2. The scheme hasn’t been able to attract the attention of the so called academically good students and those parents who are enjoying a status in the society.
  3. It is treated something as the only and the last option for the failed and misfit students.
  4. Academically good students and students belonging to the status families don’t get attracted to this trade just because they and their parents fully know in advance that it will be difficult for the child to enjoy the reasonable social status and it will also be almost impossible to get a good decent match.
Net result is students with poor academic track record and disobedient nature end up joining CERTIFICATE PROGRAMMES (ITIs).

All-out effort must be made by the GOI to make this concept as one of the most attractive option for students / parents just after Class-X. Thus in return getting a highly skilled manpower may be more than the target of 22 million. This will be the beginning of golden era for India and it will start moving on the highway of industrial development and prosperity.

The real challenge is to make all efforts to be able to attract all those main stream students (Human Resource) who have a KNACK for the skilled jobs or profession but shy away because of:
  1. Very low salary structure it offers.
  2. This profession is looked upon by the society.
  3. This route also brings to a dead end of further career progression.
  1. Introduce seamless multi entry – multi exit flexible system for Technical Education after Class-X as has been introduced in SLIET from 2014-15 session (Annexure-I).
  2. Most serious teacher / instructor quality evaluation procedures must be introduced immediately. Freedom to hire & fire must be given to the VC / Director / Principal.
  3. Ensure / guarantee respectable wages / financial returns for all those who opt to work as skilled workers. One should be able to compare the status / buying power of similarly placed workers in the West World. 
  4. Large disparity between wages of white collared workforce and blue collared workforce must be narrowed down.
  5. Social segregation must be eliminated.

Highly skilled & decently educated workforce of 22 million people or may be more by 2022

Seamless Multi Entry – Multi Exit Flexible System for Technical Education

Seamless multi entry – multi exit flexible system for Technical Education that has been introduced in SLIET after Class-X from 2014-15 academic session. The greatest advantage of this system is that it allows seamless movement from Conventional courses to Skill development based courses to Conventional courses.

An age limit criterion has also been done away with for allowing seamless migration between job and academics at any stage of life.

The Institute was established by Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), Government of India, with a vision to act as a nodal centre for developing human resource for catering to the needs of Industries (skilled workers, supervisors, engineers and managers), Universities (teaching and research), R&D establishments, and motivating them to serve the Nation by becoming Bureaucrats, Entrepreneurs, Social activists, and Politicians. 

Further, SLIET has implemented MHRD sponsored scheme for Integrating Persons with Disabilities in the Mainstream of Vocational & Technical Education under which students with disabilities are admitted in Formal (Certificate and Diploma) and non-formal programmes since 2001. 

The institute is an autonomous Centrally Funded Technical Institute (CFTI), fully funded by Government of India. The institute is running programmes for awarding Certificates, Diplomas, Undergraduate degrees, Postgraduate degrees (science, engineering and business administration) and Doctoral degrees. All the programmes are approved by AICTE. The Institute enjoys the status of deemed university under UGC act of 1956 (Section-3). 

Thus SLIET with these unique features is a “stand alone” institute in the country. I had joined the institute with a commitment and confidence to make SLIET a Benchmark for other technical institutes in the country. It is committed to provide best possible technical education with moral values for giving good human resource for serving the nation.

Friday, 8 May 2015



I would like to propose the concept of “ONE NATION ONE TEST” in engineering courses and it can be applied to other streams (courses) as well. Once adopted, it will prove to be a wonderful cost effective and mental & physical stress buster for human resource (Aspiring students). This is the outcome of my understanding and analysis of the IIT system after having spent time as a student, research scholar, faculty, general secretary; IITD Faculty Forum and President; All India IIT Faculty Federation since 1978. Useful discussions & feedbacks from the students and parents have also provided valuable inputs. The proposed concept:

1.                    One single examination “ONE NATION ONE TEST” repeated 3-4 times in a year on the pattern of GRE will be a welcome move. Students should be allowed to use the best score for admission to any institute for a period of may be two years.

2.                    It will offer a common merit to IITs and all other institutions. Apprehension expressed by some faculty members of IITs seems to be based more on emotional feelings and doesn’t seem to be realistic.

3.                    Proper and scientific designing of paper will help in deciding true merit. Must introduce +1 & -1 concept. This will minimise the guessing and hence more realistic qualitative and relative grading.

4.                    All US Universities are able to admit QUALITY students from around the world just on the basis of GRE. Why can’t IITs and other institutions in India?

5.                    Assigning some weightage for 10+2 examination marks along with the JEE marks for determining common merit will be impossible since there are  number of different Senior Secondary Boards offering 10+2 examination. It is next to impossible to moderate the marks of different Boards to arrive at a common merit. This will prove to be highly controversial at some stage. JUST GRE PATTERN WILL SERVE THE PURPOSE. 10+2 should only be the qualifying criteria otherwise this will open a ‘Pandora’s box’. As a matter of fact this is a major bone of contention. This also is a viewpoint of many of the faculty members and public.

6.                    JEE mains must be meticulously designed to cover in depth curriculum of CBSSE “10+2”. This will compel the students to take “10+2” examination seriously.

7.                    Objective of honest and logical grading or ranking will be met when question paper is designed to be based on Application of the concepts rather than mugging the concepts. Stress must be on “Analytical Capability”.

8.                    There must not be any need for a second screening (JEE Advanced) as has been unnecessarily imposed by the IIT system. One single examination suggested by MHRD can be designed to create relative grading and IITs are free to select or choose the best. Even otherwise the brand name of IITs will automatically attract the best. It is interesting to note that the top World class Universities like Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Stanford University, California Institute of Technology etc. are admitting students from all over the World just on the basis of GRE.

8.1              It is emphasized very strongly that conducting “JEE Advanced” can’t guarantee the best quality of students to IIT system. I am sure the same set of students if given the “JEE Advanced” test again, won’t be able to clear 100%. There is therefore no end to this procedure.

8.2              System needs to be more sensitive & logical. The second screening is causing lot of anxiety to aspiring students and parents. This may be taken as akin to all kinds of exploitation (Mental, Emotional, and Financial) of the students & parents. Hence stop just after “ONE NATION ONE TEST”. MHRD may like to issue the necessary guidelines.

9.                    This will probably put some brakes to the multi-million rupee private coaching business which is forcing the majority aspiring students & parents to BLEED mentally, physically and financially.

10.                It will be a very bold and positive step taken and will stand ground. This will have the blessings of majority of students and parents. IITs are also funded liberally by the GOI and hence the MHRD can make one and all to appreciate the wonderful concept of “ONE NATION ONE TEST”.

The concept can be realised through an independent & autonomous body at the National level.

American government honours Sri P Kalyansundram with the ‘Man of the Millennium’ award

I am thankful the US Govt. for introducing this Indian noble soul to we Indians. I request one and all to pass this on and on till the whole world comes to know about this Great Good Samaritan.

All our Politicians, Film stars, Business magnates, Cricketers, Press and we all Indians should be PROUD and also should be ashamed of ourselves for not even knowing an iota about Sri P Kalyansundram.

We Indians are extremely proud of you, Sri P Kalayanasundaram. May God bless you.

"THIS CAN HAPPEN ONLY IN INDIA" where Government of India finds Sri Sachin Tendulkar fit and rightful candidate for conferring “Bharat Ratna” despite his total involvement and commitment was for himself and earning money only.

"THIS CAN HAPPEN ONLY IN INDIA" where a professional like Sri Sachin Tendulkar despite earning hundreds of crores of rupees every year, sought and GOT exemption of Custom Duty to import ‘Ferrari’.

 “Bharat Ratna” means most precious jewel of India. Principally and philosophically it can be awarded only to those who remain dedicated & committed to the nation & society. I am sure all those who got / managed it out of personal recommendations and political compulsions very well know the mood of the nation.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Prof. Sunil Pandey: "Stop copying West"


Presently, our education system is based on ‘progressive’ western knowledge, science and technology. It is pertinent to bethink that this system was forced on us by a concerted effort of British colonizers after Lord Macaulay submitted his report to the British Crown in 1835. Main excerpt from the report reads:

“I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such calibre, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation”.

Perhaps this is the reason why the line between literacy and education is blurred for us even after 67 years of independence. The system satisfies itself by terming a literate person as an educated person. The variable notion of ‘Literacy’ has only enabled us to vaguely image the western system of education and import technology. This system of education has in fact made us a nation of “followers and mental slaves”.The present system hasn’t been able to keep pace with the dynamic and diverse societal & technological needs of the country. Our education system has failed to make the nation walk on the path of progress and development. The main reason, probably, for not having a single world class university is the absence of a strong and healthy higher education system in place. The fact that we don’t have any university in the elite group of top 100 varsities globally only supports the above supposition.The best ranking ever achieved is by Punjab University which is still ranked amongst the top 223-250. The so called institutes of national importance have managed rankings amongst the top 351-400. It is time we abandon the present system and redefine national goals so as to regain our “self-esteem & self-confidence”.

Some of the current drawbacks in India education system are:
  • Non-availability of books reflective of the needs of Indian society. A plethora of books are based entirely on western fundamentals.
  • Plagiarized and manipulated information, statistics and data. The race is for number of publications and not for qualityr esearch (or its industrial utility).
  • Attaining proficiency in using software packages is termed research.
  • Lack of drive to lead.
  • Inferiority complex.
  • Undermining research by viewing it through the prism of western literature surveys.
  • Engineering education based on western technology and books.
  • Challenging and application based problems and case studies based on resource person’s experience are seldom discussed. There’s practically no brain storming.
  • Stereo-typed assessment procedures.
  • Selection criteria for a resource person / faculty are far from realizing objectives. The systems in place as a matter of fact are promoting pseudo-intellectualism. “Quality” presently is on back-burner. Interference and recommendations be it from any quarter / corrupt practices (financial, moral, ethical) are also the reason for killing excellence in education and research.
  • Selection criteria / recruitment rules for the selection of faculty are not uniformly applied. This system of selection hasn’t been able to deliver and needs to be revamped completely. Existing norms are also assisting the mediocre applicants to get through.
  • Perks to faculty and staff are not performance linked.
  • Most engineering graduates in Indian industries are like fish out of water.
  • Owing to bad curriculum planning, higher educational institutions produce largely un-employable graduates.
We must produce “Ranchos” 
It is right time to identify pseudo intellectuals on priority and not let them continue to damage the education sector. On the other hand, we also need to identify and eliminate all hindrances in developing grass root technology through education and research. We need to produce only “Ranchos” and not the “ChaturRamalingams”, the two distinct characters of famous Hindi movie “Three Idiots”. Unfortunately our education system is presently in the clutches of “ChaturRamalingams” and our determination should be to change the long persistent status-quo.

It is time for India to lead from the front and this can be realised only when we as Indians overcome the psychological barriers which are acting akin fetters in the times of rapid industrial and economic growth.

Stop copying West 
Education sector is one of the major sectors that are contributing to high foreign exchange outflows. We are spending multi-million dollars, without accountability on higher education and research.

The philosophy that “everything from west is always good” is serving as the greatest psychological barrier that we need to overcome. We must “stop looking towards west for technology & solutions”. At the same time, there are areas where we need to redefine our national objectives. One of them is to plug the leakage of foreign exchange taking place for attaining higher education and divert/ channelize it to the core areas of Indian economy like defence preparedness and other centric needs.USA’s Per Capita Income for 2013-14 at Rs. 265505/month is 13X that of India at Rs. 20385/month. Per capita income is a measure of a country’s living standard. According to IMF, India lags behind 132 nation-states in terms of per capita income.

Brain storming should be the key word at every level for achieving this goal; for its education and not literacy that makes a nation strong. We ought to realize our potential through self-reliance and walk on the highway of growth.
  • “Be the leader, rather than a follower”
  • “Innovate or perish”
  • “If they can (western countries), why can’t we?”
Broaden research frontiers
One of the best gifts to the nation that we expect from the new Government is the broadening of contours of educational and research needs of the nation.

Before expanding IIMs, IITs
I appreciate the intention of starting new IITs and IIMs. However, mere establishment of new Central Universities without threadbare analysis of the existing system by dedicated professionals won’t help the nation gain significantly. Concentrated efforts must be made to first determine the “Productivity” or“Performance index” of existing IITs and NITs before expanding the platform which may otherwise prove counterproductive.

The web of corruption is stronger than steel at present. However, I wish and pray to Almighty to give us enough wisdom for building a corruption free education system that is dynamic enough to feed the technological needs of the country.

I am happy to note that the ministry of HRD has highlighted the fact that the current education system and its policies have not been able to build an honest system. Keeping the same in mind, they’ve decided to add ‘anti-corruption’as a subject in the curriculum. The nation will succeed in curbing corruption only when honest and committed officers are supported and protected by the government. It’s time to do some soul searching.

Magnetic Pinch Force in Welding

Pinch force plays main role in plasma enhancing. Flow of current through the arc gap develops the electro-magnetic field. Interaction of this EM field with charge carriers produces a force which tends to pinch the drop hanging at the tip of the electrode also called pinch force.

It acts at certain angle. It has two components. Role of horizontal component in case solid electrode is limited to the cutting of throat of drop only.
In case of tubular electrode, hollow tube contain gases only. When this horizontal pinch force acts on the tip of electrode then it produces a extra thrust on the drop. For better understanding, we can take the analogy. When we press the tube of tooth paste , paste comes out. The velocity of paste depends on intensity of applied force. Same situation is here.

Affirmative action instead of caste based reservation in higher education

Affirmative action

Government may think of initiating affirmative action, as distinct from caste based reservation, for economically weaker sections of the society. All efforts must be made to help already identified BPL families to help economically weaker sections. Caste based reservation only benefit a few affluent sections amongst the identified groups.
The nation needs most is a positive action in favour of good quality education for all, irrespective of caste, income or location. Caste based reservation will possibly lead to polarization of the society. This may help only the political parties in achieving their goals but at the expense of the nation.
Government may constitute a Judicial Commission to look into all contentious issues of imposing reservations in higher education and advise the Government appropriately.
As a commitment for facilitating the deprived sections to compete for admissions to institutes like IITs, with their heads held high, IIT Alumni Association in consultation with Pan-IIT, may also come forward by formulating a suitable programme of identifying needy and underprivileged bright students at school level across the country and facilitate quality education for them so as to bring them at par with others seeking admission to higher education.
I am sure every committed “Bhartiyay” (Indian) believes in Social Justice and would be willing to assist any program to uplift the deprived sections.

Viewpoint on separate school board for Delhi students

Viewpoint on separate school board for Delhi students.

“Kejriwal declares Delhi needs own school education board. We need a separate education board for Delhi with a syllabus independent of the prescribed syllabus in CBSE. I am not saying CBSE or NCERT are not doing their job but we need a board that will cater to the needs and requirements of Delhi’s students”.
The basic philosophy of starting and expanding CBSE was to introduce uniform secondary school education across the country. Students are already having problem of rationalization due to following of different curriculum by CBSE and ICSE. This becomes a serious challenge when common merit based on percentage is determined.
The Chief Minister of Delhi should instead try and plug all loopholes in the existing CBSE pattern rather than creating one more liability and enormous pressure on resources of various kinds. Are the students in Delhi different than rest of the country? What happens when parents get transferred to other states or posted out of India or vice versa? Let all the students across country get benefited by the proposed transformation by the Delhi Government. Education being a subject on concurrent list, GOI must ensure uniform school education policy rather than having islands of education in the name of number of other boards which are bound to come if Delhi is allowed one.



(Step towards regaining the lost glory)

Vision behind starting IITs
The concept of the IITs originated even before India gained independence in 1947. After the end of the Second World War and before India got independence, Sir Ardeshir Dalal from the Viceroy's Executive Council foresaw that the future prosperity of India would depend not so much on capital as on technology. He, therefore, proposed the setting up of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. To man those laboratories, he persuaded the US government to offer hundreds of doctoral fellowships under the Technology Cooperation Mission (TCM) program. However realizing that such steps can’t help in the long run for the development of India after it gains independence, he conceptualized institutes that would train such work forces in the country itself. This is believed to be the first conceptualization of IITs.

A country of India’s size, on a rapid economic growth path (not the industrial), would require in today’s context a significant emphasis on large-scale research at the highest levels of excellence. This is necessary to push the frontiers of knowledge and create new cutting edge technologies and thereby sustain India’s progress as a leading country in today’s competitive global environment.

Need of the hour
Development of such technologies should be linked to our industry to make them global leaders and to address the needs of markets both in India and the rest of the world.

Have IITs served the purpose?
Lot of water has flown ever since the first IIT was started on 18th August, 1951 (IIT Kharagpur). The natural questions which come to mind are:
  1. Have IITs succeeded in delivering as desired?
  2. Has any neutral / independent agency determined the “Performance Index” of individual IITs?
  3. Has MHRD made public the procedure adopted to determine the “Performance Index” of each IIT since these Institutes carry a tag of National importance and funded through the tax payer’s money?
  4. What is the “Impact Index” of IITs for sustaining / nurturing Indian industries?
  5. What is the content (%) of “Innovative / Original” technology developed by IITs that is contributing to “Make in India”?
  6. What is the ratio of valuable foreign exchange saved to foreign exchange spent for importing equipment, instrumentation, software, hardware, consumables, manpower, training, foreign visits etc. in maintaining and sustaining IITs from inception to date?
  7. Can the use of imported equipment & software and training mind for near replication be projected as research?
  8. Can the nation really develop with this definition?
  9. Can the Nation become a shareholder in developing / launching new technologies on Global basis?
  10. Why is that none of the IITs is carrying a tag of “World Class University”?
  11. In case the answer is positive then who all should be complimented?
  12. In case the answer is overall negative then who all should be held accountable since tax payer's precious money is involved?
It seems, the exercise hasn’t been done in a real transparent manner. Why are we trying to live in a fool’s paradise? We are answerable to the public for massive investments which are made to sustain IIT system. The purpose is not to criticize but to do brain storming on this important issue to be able to redefine the education and research objectives not only for IITs but for all Technical Institutes in the country.