Sunday, 15 July 2018



Image result for Suicidal tendencies in dissatisfied engineering students in india

Students in most situations are generally not satisfied with the teaching methodology and evaluation system followed currently and faculty quite often has to face situations where it becomes practically impossible to satisfy the students. The level of dissatisfaction amongst the students from various academic institutes has reached a stage where some students are able to manage courage to openly express “The quality of teaching is so poor that we have lost interest in learning. Please give us degree and we want to say goodbye to the Institute / University”.

This is where an exercise was undertaken for identifying the limitations & bottlenecks of the existing system of higher education with an objective of REKINDLING the interest in the minds of the students for attending classes. The analysis of responses of various students helped in designing a system which by and large is fair and is the choice of my students for the last twenty years.

This system can safely be termed as “Students friendly ZERO complaint system”. The system has following characteristics:

  1. This system is student friendly and doesn’t sacrifice even an iota of academic discipline.
  2. Ensures brainstorming for growth, wisdom & self-confidence of the students.
  3. Attendance concept becomes redundant since it encroaches on the mental freedom of an individual. Please understand that students attending classes without the compulsion of attendance is the endorsement of the quality of a Teaching & Faculty both. No further feedback will be necessary.
  4. Marking of proxy therefore will have no place in the system. This will save time. Please understand that students having right to elect Government can very well decide to attend or not to attend classes. 
  5. The invigilation system during examination should be done away with. Let us treat every human as honest until proved otherwise. However students may be asked to sign the oath of integrity before taking the examination.
  6. Concept of "Open Book Test" may be encouraged. This will reinforce the above statement at 5.
  7. Students must have full confidence in the quality & fairness of the evaluation process. A ‘zero complaint’ system has been developed where most such issues have been addressed. I am using this technique successfully for the last 19 years in my subjects. 
  8. Students are able to discover their capability. They will be able to “Stop looking towards West”.
  9. Students are motivated to plan start-ups rather than running after the placement. Introduce the concept of “Be the Employer rather than an Employee”
  10. Students take pride in pursuing “Honest, need based innovative research and product designs”. Concept should be “Be the leader rather than a follower”.
  11. Strengthen the system of “Discovering faculty for the subject rather than discovering a SUBJECT for the Faculty”. The current practice has devastated our education system and hence the country.
  12. Research topics and the research supervisors are not imposed on the research students. The current practice has completely throttled the freedom of research but it is practiced only to build the CV of the faculty. This is done at the expense of the Research Scholars and the Nation. There is hardly any freedom given to the PG students to choose the Project Topic of their choice. They are rather threatened to accept. Therefore most projects don’t reach a stage of logical conclusion.
  13. There is IMMEDIATE need for a ‘Watchdog Agency’ to identify institutions which have and are still misusing the “Academic Autonomy” and be able to fix the accountability without any hesitation. Most programmes have lost their utility due to the gross misuse of Academic Autonomy. Students are wasted and the Nation not able to progress.
  14. NAAC and NBA are not able to bless universities / institutions not having basic infrastructure as prescribed by UGC / AICTE. Such blessed universities / institutions only end up wasting the human resource (Students). 

I have revolutionised the education system in the last 19 years and have implemented it successfully in my courses at IITD. I have also implemented a “Seamless multi-entry and multi-exit most flexible academic structure for technical education at SLIET, where I had the opportunity to implement.

I deliver interactive motivational talk of around 2~3 hours duration, jointly for students and faculty from all the departments. The sole intention is to recharge them to deliver positively. I love interacting with large audience. The topic of my talk is:


The talk integrates six modules:

1. Glorious past of India
2. Current challenges
3. Causes including Lord Macaulay’s system of education
4. Brainstorming through classroom teaching
5. Innovative research leading to independence from Mental Slavery
6. Impact of Brainstorming: Discover own talent & capability and mental freedom

Brainstormed students will make responsible citizens and contribute in building “FORMIDABLE INDIA”

“Dynamic and healthy education system can make India a “World Power with relentless belief in peaceful coexistence where no one shall dare to have evil designs against us, not even in dreams”


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  2. A perfect way ahead. Hopefully authorities can initiate nationwide discussion and focus on how to implement.

  3. Sir, will you deliver for school students?

  4. Of course yes. I will love to interact with the school students.

  5. Hats of sir for your effort and work..same should be start at all academic institutions and Universities across the country.

  6. Thank you very much dear Sameer for your encouraging words.

  7. Dr. Ajay Pandey15 July 2018 at 12:29

    So true. I'm sure that your sessions will be so enlightening and enriching for students and faculty alike. Our institutes are surely in need of such an initiative.

    1. Thank you very much for your encouraging words. Yes make it a movement. Forward it to as many people as possible.

  8. Truly needs brainstorming to implement these. Atleast someone has started honest thinking towards higher technical education in the country. Hats off to you sir!

    1. Thank you very much for your encouraging words. Yes make it a movement. Forward it to as many people as possible.

  9. It's very true, this message should go to the govt for betterment of education system and future of this country.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you very much for your encouraging words. Yes make it a movement. Forward it to as many people as possible.

  11. Most awaited initiative. Thank u vry much sir for taking time and solving this dire problem, when everyone else in neglcting us. Hope this brings great results.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It will bring great results only when we make it a National movement. Nothing is free in this World. Share it as much possible and ask your friends to do the same. If not now then never. This is applicable to all students across the Nation.

  12. Most of our Indian engineers are really running behind jobs be it anything(bank,clerk,finance,police etc.) despite a huge potential of technology and science in coming time. Great new technologies are forming and our indian brains must stay in this arena when these technologies arrive and change the world. We cant say that scope is less. Scope is great if we really are aware of what is happening. Great technology giants such as google,apple,tesla,tata are working on some great innovations such as artificial intelligence, electric vehicles, genetics and many more. Sir our engineers must add to these valuable stuff. But sir they must be made aware and you are taking a responsibility

    1. Our Faculty has to accept the challenge first.

    2. Yes sir definitely. There is a serious need of that.

  13. प्रणाम गुरु जी ! बहुत ही अच्छा कार्य कर रहे हैं आप, मैं आपसे बहुत प्रेरित हूँ! कुछ दिन पहले ही आपको पहली बार सुना था अपने महाविद्यालय में , आप क्रांतिकारी हैं । मेरी शुभकामनाये है कि आप इसी तरह शिक्षा की बेहतरी के लिए कार्य करते रहे।

    1. Thank you very much dear Shamsher. Which institution you are in? Best wishes,

  14. It's a very true words sir .
    Thank you very much for sharing your experience & research .

    1. It will bring great results only when we make it a National movement. Nothing is free in this World. Share it as much possible and ask your friends to do the same. If not now then never. This is applicable to all students across the Nation.

  15. Sir, ur ideas is good but in reality now a days no one is studying for knowledge they r just coming college to get a degree.if we will give freedom in exam, just they will copy to eachother.may be 5% student will be honest but what about 95%. They will come out and unemployment will increase.then who will be responsible??

    1. Thank you for expressing. There is lot that can be discussed but let me tell you that this experiment of freedom during exams is rather good. It stops cheating and copying 100%. Tested and tried. Can you call me on 9868113636? I won't ask your name.

    2. Open book exams are good, CA exams follow this system sir

  16. hello sir, it is very true...
    many of the students come and take the degrees away and even some bright students don't know what they will do after the completion of course.
    system need to be refined..

  17. Suggestions please. The present system has promoted and nurtured only the pseudo-intellectuals and psychophant. The present model has failed the Nation. Saviours are the destroyers. This lot is blessed.

    1. I have attended ur lecture in GRIET, Hyderabad. It's very nice sir. Can I have ur presentation(PPT)

    2. Please speak to me on 9868113636

  18. The ideas that you shared and have been implementing are incredible and much needed in today's time.

    Only positive brainstorming can remove the tag of India being a follower nation.

  19. Sir why can't you just suggest these good ideas to the CM,Education ministers of Andhrapradesh,if they realise the frustration of the students then there will be a change

    1. Dear Mr Unknown I am sorry for responding very late. I send all my blogs to these people and it makes no difference and it won't make any difference since the sufferers are also not reacting to these ideas. How do you expect anything from the unscrupulous Custodians? This situation suits them the best. "MENTAL SLAVES" are their best Vote Bank. Our education is already in Black-hole.

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