Viva-Voce examination as one of the stereotype components of the evaluation procedure at the end of the semester is one activity which affects the grades of the students in real erratic manner. Neither students nor teachers are ever confident of their individual performances. The earned grades are not the desired grades on most occasions. This grey area always makes one spend sleepless nights. This limitation of the Viva Voce procedure has been finally overcome by bringing in the ‘Written Format’. It has the following advantages:
- Converts present discriminatory Viva-Voce examination into an equal opportunity procedure for all the students in a class.
- All the students of a class are asked to respond to exactly the same set of questions at the same time and duration. This offers exactly same opportunity to all the students.
- The biggest advantage of engaging all the students simultaneously makes it possible to offer 50~100 True / False type statements in a written format. All that students have to do is to write True / False (T / F) in a box against every statement.
- The statements are designed to bring in brainstorming and to prevent any guess work.
- Evaluation could be further based on ‘+1’ for every correct response and ‘-2’ for every wrong response.
- No marks would be deducted for unattempted or skipped statements. Therefore students will ATTEMPT ONLY WHEN SURE. Please note, engineering education has no room for guessing.
- The current discriminatory and monotonous faculty – students engagement will be a matter of past instead the whole procedure could be over may be in 30~ 45 minutes.
- All the students are convinced of 100% transparency and zero nepotism / favouritism.
- Response sheets are shown and discussed with the students for ensuring additional knowledge gain and confidence of the students.
- 50~100 True / False statements leave no room for casual attitude and instead motivate students continuously to learn.
- This makes it possible for a teacher to do the relative grading seamlessly for all the students in a class in a transparent manner
All teachers and students must try this format right at the earliest opportunity. I am convinced that a very major irregularity has been addressed effectively. I am following it for over twenty years.
I have provided SAMPLE RESPONSE sheet for reference. Actual statements and responses will however differ from teacher to teacher. The common practice of asking the students to write the answers has been done away with. Instead students are asked to comment whether what we have written is ‘True’ or ‘False’. This brings end to all possible complaints or grievances.