- Is there a correlation between the massive Direct and Indirect investments in Technical Education & Skill Development Sector and POVERTY in the country?
- Is Technical Education & Skill Development Sector responsible for very weak Industrial Sector and Growth?
- Is Technical Education Sector responsible for Mushroom Growth of Private Coaching Centers in the country? These Private Coaching Centers are using the same Curriculum for teaching.
- Is it that the faculty in Technical Institutes including elite IITs is not educating the students to the level what is desired for taking GATE and All India Engineering Services Examination (ESE/IES)?
- Is it that the education in the Technical Institutes including elite IITs is not resulting in Brainstorming in real sense and the same is not correlated to the actual Industrial examples?
- Is it that the Technical Institutes including elite IITs, knowingly or unknowingly are responsible for making India a Nation of Followers and Mental Slaves?
- Is it that Technical Education & Skill Development Sector is responsible for imports worth approximately Rs.4011150000000/- in 2014-15 from China alone?
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