Friday, 19 October 2018



Can any country sustain and develop by adopting a principle of PSEUDOISM and particularly in Higher Education? It includes Research & Development. “Make in India” and “Weak Currency” is a greatest gift of PSEUDOISM. Shall we continue with it for the PROSPERITY of our next generation?

The simple answer is NO. Please understand that the one of the main causes of not succeeding is because we work only for personal development and growth. Individual consciously honest introspection has the power to achieve our GOALS.

Let us:
  1. Adopt a principle of “Work for the Nation and the Nation First”.
  2. Resolve to Turn Tables and start building a sound Technological base similar or better than most of the Developed Nations.

 This can be achieved when we consciously and collectively decide to elect people:
  1. On the basis of their Reputation, Quality of head and the Commitment for the Nation is known in general.
  2. Irrespective of party affiliation, cast, creed, language and religion. Voting for the party has proved to be 100% futile. We vote for candidates of a particular party only because we don’t agree to the philosophy & election manifesto of other political parties but after election all these political parties form Coalition Government (“Gutbandhan kee rajneeti”) without an iota of respect for our sentiments. All political parties by and large take the voters for a ride for managing WEALTH for their families and themselves on sharing basis. Coalition is the decent name for sharing the wealth and other assets of the Nation by the elected politicians.

Let us elect only the people with INTELLECTUAL WEALTH AND COMMITMENT FOR THE NATION. Let us try it right from today. Let us vote on the principle of “Deserving Person Only” irrespective of her/his party affiliation. There should not be any hesitation in electing an Independent candidate if he/she deserves. The trend of electing deserving Candidates or Independents will also help in minimizing the role of money poured in by Business Houses for gaining control. Professionals without fat-bank balance would also feel encouraged to contest for serving the Nation.

I strongly feel that the Government so formed will bring in seasoned and professionally qualified persons to head ministries. Such Government will then be in a position to put various ministries under the control of Secretaries who have professional experience in a desired area. Of course Nepotism has to be on the backburner.

Once we decide, the unscrupulous politicians will evaporate instantly. The democracy in the present form can’t deliver. It has failed and has only polarized the masses. Please understand the power of a common man. One right decision can change the future of the Nation. Shall we try? Nothing is impossible. Let us build a formidable India.

Thursday, 18 October 2018



Image result for PhD research

PhD degree is mandatory for becoming a faculty in an institution of repute. These guidelines are due to the hard work done by the custodians of the higher education in the country. The way PhD topics are selected or identified, the way it is supervised and awarded needs to be interpreted on an urgent basis. Without any prejudice, I would like to be enlightened on the following issues:

  1. What is the understanding of PhD degree in the minds of the Custodians?
  2. Why PhD is made mandatory?
  3. What is the meaning of a research Supervisor?
  4. Do the Supervisors really supervise research?
  5. How are the PhD topics selected?
  6. Who all are responsible for fooling the Nation in the name of a research? 
  7. Who all are responsible for awarding the PhD degrees for a so called research work that in fact is worth awarding an ITI certificate at the max?
  8. Is there a possibility of arresting this exponential decay that has already taken place in the quality of research in the country?

There are many more issues but the right response to the above issues will take care of them. The logical answer will help us in:

  1. Understanding the reasons for technological gaps between China and India.
  2. Saving precious foreign exchange.
  3. Saving non-replenishable resource.
  4. Increasing the per capita income of the people and hence the prosperity.
I am posting this blog fully knowing that there won't be enough takers for this issue. May be it will prick many consciously but I still request you all involved in supervising or pursuing research to at least go through and give your valuable feedback in the interest of your next generation and the Nation. Honest and serious introspection is certainly needed at this stage since the Custodians of research have officially followed the policy of QUANTITY over QUALITY for appointments and promotions.