Monday, 27 March 2017



MCD Elections: In Another Big Poll Promise, Arvind Kejriwal Says Will Abolish Residential House Tax

NEW DELHI: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) will abolish the residential house tax and waive-off arrears if voted to power in the capital's civic bodies. His words resonated promises of cutting electricity and water bills ahead of Delhi assembly elections which AAP swept last year.

Mr Kejriwal said that the house tax has become a "major" source of corruption and promised that his AAP, which is making its civic polls debut, will end it. 


Mr Kejriwal to abolish House Tax if people / voters of Delhi make him win MCD elections. Why is he waiting? What is he waiting for? He is the Chief Minister of Delhi with absolute majority. He can do it right away if intentions are HONEST. He can do it right away if he is really bothered for the “COMMON MEN” (Aam Aadmi) of Delhi. He is openly and brazenly trying to strike a BARTER deal with the people of Delhi. He is trying to bribe, corrupt & fool innocent people of Delhi again. I hope the people have come out from the effect of his magic spell / hypnotism. However the biggest question is: Can he really do it technically?

People of Goa and Punjab have already displayed their level of MATURITY in the assembly elections. They couldn't be lured.

No political party / politicians should be allowed to offer such deals. The honourable President of India, The Honourable Supreme Court of India and The Election Commission of India may kindly take note.

Monday, 20 March 2017




Manash Pratim Gohain, TNN, Updated: Mar 18, 2017, 02.20 PM IST


  • Less than 1% of engineering students participate in summer internships
  • Just 15% of engineering programmes are accredited by the National Board of Accreditation
  • More than 60% engineering graduate remain unemployed

Kindly read the full article published by TOI by accessing the link given above.

My comment:

Very sad state of affairs in the country as far as engineering education is concerned. Without any prejudice, most engineering graduates are only the paper degree holding engineers and not the educated engineers and hence the greatest cause of unemployment. All Universities / Institutes which came up merely for commercial interests but not having minimum desired infrastructure and quality teachers are the factories for producing unemployable paper degree holding engineers continuously.

The strange thing is that all these Commercial Teaching Establishments have the blessings of custodian agencies like AICTE, UGC, NBA, NAAC.

The National Board of Accreditation (NBA), India was initially established by AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education) under section 10(u) of AICTE act, in the year 1994, for periodic evaluations of technical institutions & programmes basis according to specified norms and standards as recommended by AICTE council.

The NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC) is an autonomous body established by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India to assess and accredit institutions of higher education in the country. It is an outcome of the recommendations of the National Policy in Education (1986) which laid special emphasis on upholding the quality of higher education in India. To address the issues of quality, the National Policy on Education (1986) and the Plan of Action (POA-1992) advocated the establishment of an independent national accreditation body. Consequently, the NAAC was established in 1994 with its headquarters at Bangalore.

Despite this gigantic effort and pumping of money by the GOI for sustaining these agencies, the minimum quality of education is not there. How come despite many of these Universities / Institutes not having basic infrastructure have succeeded in getting blessings of these agencies is a million dollar question? The integrity, the competence or both of the Expert Committees recommending approvals must be brought under scanner. One is free to read between the lines. It must be taken as a greatest sin committed against the youth, parents and the Nation.

I have already analysed the state of engineering education in my blog:


Corrective action within the rotten system won't yield any result except causing further damage. I have been sounding alarm bells for quite some time but no one has taken note of the situation. Academic / Financial / Moral corruption is the root cause of this utter failure. It is impossible to get any justice even after reporting the open Academic and Financial corruption to the Custodians. Delayed justice is indirectly a licence to indulge in greater corruption. And that is what is happening almost everywhere.

Some other relevant links are attached for ready perusal.

Monday, 13 March 2017




Most dangerous and deadly are the “Literate & Uneducated” Teachers particularly in the institutes of higher learning today. The proof is the un-employability & utter frustration on the faces of our youth whose future is at stake. Custodians are kept in the dark in a very scrupulous manner by the Pseudo-Intellectuals. They aren’t able to read between the lines. They are not able to recognize this hard fact. 

The GOI gave full academic autonomy to these institutes thinking & taking it granted that these institutes will be managed by the “Literate & Educated” faculty but unfortunately this freedom has been grossly misused leading to having majority faculty falling in the category of Pseudo-Intellectual Faculty only. Following are the main acts of academic impropriety:
  1. Curriculum has been manipulated to minimize the teaching load to the extent of teaching at times only one to two courses per year. 
  2. Multiple courses have been carved out from one single course to fool the students and the system. 
  3. These similar courses are shown / claimed / adjusted as handling too much of teaching load per semester by the unscrupulous faculty. 
  4. Many courses can be easily scanned to find at times 30~40 % overlap. 
  5. Pseudo-Intellectual Faculty is successful in introducing list of irrelevant courses by dropping many desired core courses from the curriculum because they just can’t handle the hard core technical courses. 
  6. Workshop practice and laboratory content has been put on the back burner. Step taken to kill the engineering education and skill.
  7. Hands on experience in Engineering Drawing has been eliminated despite knowing the fact that it is a language of an engineer.

Of course the first major dilution of engineering education in the country was made in 1977 when GOI introduced 10+2+3 system of education in the country. Our visionary custodians of engineering education simply took off one year from then existing five year engineering degree programme. Our selfish Pseudo-Intellectual Faculty responsible for handling engineering courses very comfortably took off at least ten hard core engineering courses rather than taking off some of the courses from the pure sciences stream which got shifted to one extra year that was introduced at the secondary school level. This decision taken in a hurry or unscrupulously was the first nail in the coffin of engineering education.

Our industry is on oxygen in real sense. Technically qualified engineers are not coming out of such institutes who can assume responsibility of sustaining & nurturing the knowledge & skill starved industries. Please remember that the degree holding engineers are of no use to the industries other than becoming the liability. It is due to the failure of Pseudo-Intellectual Faculty in Technical Institutes in grooming Educated Engineers that the GOI has to consider “Make in India” programme for taking care of unemployed & frustrated degree holding engineers.

Why is that IIT graduates don't opt for Industry jobs? Is GOI pumping in thousands of crores of precious taxpayer’s money to sustain IITs for feeding and nurturing multinational companies? This act of Pseudo-Intellectual Faculty is sinful and almost falls in the category of sedition.

Honest accountability of such pseudo intellectual teachers must be fixed. This can be done only by a team of honest & committed intellectuals. Believe me it is a very difficult task until there is a will power to put our engineering education on the track.