This is the way most people have chosen over self-esteem to progress and prosper in India. Quality and Capability has no place even in the minds of so called educated lot in the country. Nepotism and sycophancy has created a MESS in the country.
The friendship and close relationship of the three prominent British educated Indians with the British has costed us the bright and prosperous future. British were successful in FOOLING & EXPLOITING the masses with the help of trusted trio. Most unfortunate is that the Governments after Governments continued with the same policies of self-destruction. We stand more divided today then we were during the British Rule. Psychologically & intellectually we were not mature enough to handle and enjoy the democracy. The outcome is in front of every one of us.
Nepotism and Plutocracy have been nurturing only Pseudo- intellectualism. This pseudo-intellectualism is at peak in every system and is the ROOT cause of our collective failure. Casteism, regionalism, religion all lead to corruption and nepotism. Almost all key appointments for key positions today are the result of Nepotism and Plutocracy. You name anything you will find it a victim of Nepotism and Plutocracy. I don't see any ray of hope without a dedicated willpower.
The pseudo-intellectual scientists and faculty is also the gift of nepotism & plutocracy. These pseudo-intellectuals are the greatest channel for the outflow of precious foreign exchange. The collective outflow of foreign exchange due to these pseudo-intellectuals is probably being more than what the influential business persons have managed till date.
There is a minimum qualification prescribed even for the post of Sweeper in the country but to become a Member of Parliament following is the eligibility criteria:
“As per article 84 of the constitution, a person is qualified to be a member of parliament provided he is a citizen of India, has completed 30 years of age in case of Rajya Sabha and 25 years in case of Lok Sabha”. Qualification has no place in the eligibility criteria for MP. There can’t be any other better reason for our failure.
Since the head of the various ministries are appointed on the basis of nepotism and not on the basis of Qualification & Quality, these unscrupulous pseudo-intellectuals are able to MANAGE these HODs to their best advantage. The situation has gone beyond control. We are heading for complete mess and anarchy. This system of governance can’t manage anymore, be it NDA or UPA etc. I see no ray of hope.