Wednesday, 24 November 2021




PhD research topic is always by choice and liking of the research scholar and he / she chooses the research supervisor accordingly but PhD is by compulsion these days for the sake of building CVs of the faculty members. Research scholars have no freedom to choose / select the research supervisor / the topic of research. 

Therefore, quality research output despite sinking thousands of crores of taxpayer’s money is not there and won’t be there for many years to come due to the existence of such faculty members who think that the research scholars are the passport for their next promotion ONLY. 

There is a caucus working on the principle of “You scratch my back; I will scratch yours” in most of the Govt. funded research institutions. 

Nepotism / may be plutocracy / incompetent Selection Committees are singly or jointly responsible for this state of affairs. 

JEE and JEE advanced are fully responsible for guaranteeing the effluence and roaring business of private coaching centers in the country. 

No immediate action to check these issues means the youth, parents and education system will continue to be taken for a ride by the self-attested World class research faculty and the institutions.


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