Sunday, 21 March 2021



No Government in the World has magic wand for providing employment. We can put infinite number of demands for providing jobs to the government but can it really provide? It is in fact one particular “Privileged” class having accountability on paper but never questioned by the government in reality & honest terms, is responsible for the mass unemployment. Unfortunately and very unscrupulously this privileged class responsible for this state of affairs has successfully succeeded in shifting the onus on the Government. Kindly remember that government can’t provide jobs but it can certainly ensure the generation of employment by making this exclusive class ACCOUNTABLE. Government is certainly responsible for fixing the accountability.

This exclusive privileged class is expert in manipulating the custodians comfortably. Do you know that the same class is also responsible for siphoning off precious foreign exchange amounting to millions of dollars on yearly basis? The real progress is shackled by this exclusive privileged class. The same amount if spent on infrastructure will make India a prosperous country. Poverty will become a matter of past.


  1. SSLC model question paper 2020-21 Kerala in pdf is available here and students can effectively learn and prepare for their examinations, by referring through the model question papers. SCERT Kerala 5th Class Syllabus These Kerala state board model papers of class 10 are an excellent resource for students, as they can understand the exam paper pattern better and make a note of the most frequently asked questions for future examinations.

  2. Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Directorate of Primary Education (DPE), is going to announce PSC Result 2022 in student wide on 30th December 2022 for all divisional Grade 5 exam result with Ebtedayee Result 2022 for annual final terminal examinations, The Primary School Certificate Examination Result 2022 will be announced for both of General and Madhrsah students in division wise to all education board known as Prathomik Somaponi Result 2022. DPE Result dinajpurThe DPE has successfully conducted the class 5th grade PSC and Ebtedayee Examination tests from 17th to 24th November 2022 under all education boards of Dhaka, Chittagong, Comilla, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Barisal, Jessore, Dinajpur and Madrasah Board, and the DPE Grade-5 exams are successfully conducted at all 7,194 centers across the country.
