Tuesday, 24 November 2015



[Source: http://static.dnaindia.com/sites/default/files/1688734.jpg]

Sri Aamir Khan may be right within his right to express but he has made a very pointed remark which is painting the Nation black. I request him to come out with factual TABULATED DATA to prove his point on “Growing Intolerance” in the society for the sake of educating the masses. The tabulation should be from 1947 onwards may be in a following format:

S. No.
Riots / Atrocities / Arson (Religious, caste based etc)
Time & date / Duration / Location
Loss to the society (Cumulative)
Who was responsible / what really triggered the unrest?
Who was heading the Government?
Action(s) taken by the Government
Comments / Remarks to each of the TABULATED issues.

He is duty bound to clarify and justify his POINTED REMARK which he has made with full wisdom. He should have taken this a hot topic for “Satyamev Jayete”. He will do a great service to the Nation. He is a well-known public figure and loved by one and all in the country. Such loose utterances without supporting documents are the ones least expected from such responsible persons.

Failing which country will treat him and all such people as TRAITORS since their act and utterances are bound to destroy the strong bond the Indian society is enjoying since ages. We are proud of our people for maintaining the peace & harmony and having faith in each other despite the concerted and crooked intentions of some persons who aren't comfortable in leading a disciplined life.

The Constitution of India guarantees certain Fundamental Rights to the Citizens of India. Right to freedom and this includes speech and expression, assembly, association or union or cooperatives, movement, residence, and right to practice any profession or occupation. This freedom stands withdrawn and the person(s) attract(s) punishment as per the law of land when their act(s) result in compromising the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign countries, public order, decency or morality.

I request all honest citizens to ask Sri Aamir Khan to substantiate his claim. Last but not the least, he may be right. We all will join him in the crusade against INTOLERANCE but only after HE PROVES HIS POINT. We are expecting an honest reply at the earliest.