Friday 11 October 2024




I respectfully urge the Government of India to institute a separate award to honour the late Ratan Tata, a true son of India. This award should celebrate excellence and integrity, free from external influences. Ratan Tata's contributions to business, philanthropy, and society at large are remarkable and deserving of recognition that matches his stature.

 In light of the Bharat-Ratna awardees to date, it may be prudent to consider dividing the Bharat-Ratna into two categories (This is absolutely without any prejudice):

  1. True and honest dedication that directly impacts the development of the nation and society.
  2. Awards influenced by political and vote bank compulsions.

Sunday 6 October 2024



With nearly 50 years of experience in giving exams, I have come to realize that the traditional closed book test format does not effectively promote analytical learning for engineering students. This method often results in wasted time and negatively impacts students’ well-being.

In my quest to find a more effective approach, I began experimenting with open book exams about ten years ago. Through this experience, I have become a strong advocate for the exclusive use of open book tests for engineering students. This format not only better prepare students for the complexities of real-world engineering challenges and analytical skills but also supports students’ health and well-being by reducing stress and promoting a deeper understanding of the material.

It would be interesting to see more institutions adopt this approach and potentially share best practices and outcomes.

Monday 26 August 2024

Ensuring Quality in PhD Research: A Proposal for Rigorous Screening and Approval Procedures

Ensuring Quality in PhD Research:  A Proposal for Rigorous Screening and Approval Procedures

It has been observed that some faculty members register PhD scholars primarily to enhance their own CVs, often neglecting the quality of research. This practice not only wastes valuable resources and funding but also jeopardizes students’ futures by assigning them outdated research topics. To address this issue, I propose a rigorous screening procedure for approving research topics. Prospective supervisors should be required to present a seminar to demonstrate the significance and relevance of their proposed research, ensuring a meaningful and productive research environment.

While it is easy to blame agencies busy formulating policies for faculty promotions across institutions, these policies often benefit pseudo-intellectuals and stifle the quality of useful research. It is concerning when the focus shifts from quality research to merely enhancing one’s CV. Therefore, implementing a screening procedure to ensure meaningful research is a thoughtful and necessary step. I propose the following structure for enhancing the quality of research and making it a service to the nation:

A. Proposal for Screening Procedure for Approving PhD Research Topics.

1. Initial Proposal Submission:

Outline: Faculty members intending to supervise PhD scholars should submit a detailed research proposal. This proposal should include the research objectives, significance, methodology, expected outcomes, and a review of the current state of research in the field.

Documentation: The proposal should be accompanied by a list of recent publications by the faculty member to demonstrate their expertise and ongoing engagement in the research area.

2. Preliminary Review:

Committee Formation: A committee comprising senior faculty members, external experts, and representatives from the university’s research office should be formed to review the proposals.

Criteria: The committee should evaluate the proposals based on criteria such as originality, relevance, feasibility, and potential impact of the research.

3. Seminar Presentation:

Seminar Requirement: Faculty members whose proposals pass the preliminary review should be required to present their research plans in a seminar.

Audience: The seminar should be open to the academic community, including faculty, students, and external experts.

Evaluation: During the seminar, the faculty member should explain the significance of the research, the methodology, and how it will contribute to the field. The audience should be encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback.

4. Feedback and Revision:

Feedback Collection: The committee should collect feedback from the seminar attendees and compile a report highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

Revisions: Faculty members should be given an opportunity to revise their proposals based on the feedback received.

5. Final Approval:

Final Review: The revised proposals should undergo a final review by the committee. Proposals that meet the required standards should be approved for PhD supervision.

Documentation: Approved proposals should be documented and made available to the university community to ensure transparency.

6. Ongoing Monitoring:

Progress Reports: Faculty supervisors should be required to submit periodic progress reports on the research being conducted by their PhD scholars.

Review Meetings: Regular review meetings should be held to assess the progress and address any issues that may arise during the research process.

7. Quality Assurance:

External Review: At various stages of the research, external experts should be invited to review the work and provide unbiased feedback.

Publication Requirement: To ensure the research is of high quality, PhD scholars should be encouraged to publish their findings in reputable journals and present at conferences.

B. Benefits of the Screening Procedure

Ensures Quality: By thoroughly vetting research proposals and supervisors, the university can ensure that only high-quality, relevant, and impactful research is conducted.

Promotes Accountability: Faculty members will be held accountable for the research they supervise, ensuring they are genuinely invested in the success of their PhD scholars.

Enhances Collaboration: The seminar presentations and feedback process encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing within the academic community.

Optimizes Resources: By focusing on meaningful research, the university can optimize the use of resources, funding, and time, ultimately benefiting both the institution and the students.

Implementing such a screening procedure can significantly enhance the research environment, ensuring that PhD scholars receive the guidance and support they need to conduct valuable and impactful research.

Monday 19 August 2024




(An under-construction Aguwani-Sultanganj bridge collapsed for the second time in Bhagalpur, Bihar on Monday, June 3, 2024.)

The quality of civil engineering in our country has been a topic of concern for many years. The construction of National Highways, which should be a testament to our engineering prowess, often falls short of even reasonable quality standards. This issue is not just a technical failure but a reflection of deeper systemic problems.

Civil engineering projects, especially those as significant as National Highways, bridges, and other important and exclusive buildings, require meticulous planning, robust materials, and skilled execution. However, the reality often paints a different picture. The roads are plagued with potholes, poor drainage systems, and substandard materials, leading to frequent repairs and accidents. This not only affects the daily lives of commuters but also hampers economic growth by disrupting the transportation of goods and services.

One of the critical factors contributing to this situation is the prevalence of corrupt practices. The “Om Paisayay Namah” principle, a metaphor for deep-rooted corruption, has indeed penetrated various levels of society and governance. From the allocation of contracts to the procurement of materials, every stage is susceptible to unethical practices. This not only inflates costs but also compromises the quality of work.

Do we understand the meaning of accountability? Who is responsible for this mess? Perhaps the “sharks” are very dangerous, making any suitable action a distant dream.

Sunday 23 June 2024





Here’s a structured guide for becoming a productive and innovative researcher:

1.     Guiding Principles:

  • “Be the leader rather than a follower.”
  • “Innovate or perish.”
  • “If OTHERS can, why can’t we?”

These succinct statements encapsulate the essence of progress and resilience.

 2.     Recasting Thinking Process:

a)    Introduce Brainstorming in Real Sense

·       Brainstorming is a powerful technique for generating creative ideas. Encourage open discussions, explore diverse viewpoints, and foster an environment where innovative thinking thrives.

·       Consider organizing brainstorming sessions with colleagues, students, or industry experts to explore new research directions.

b)    Re-design Technical Curriculum

·       Traditional mechanical engineering curricula may not always align with industry demands. Revise the curriculum to include emerging technologies, automation, and digital advancements.

·       Incorporate interdisciplinary topics such as sustainability, data science, and materials science.

·       Encourage hands-on projects, internships, and industry collaborations.

c)    Re-design the Teaching Methodology

·       Move beyond lecture-based teaching. Explore active learning methods, flipped classrooms, and project-based learning.

·       Use real-world examples and case studies to engage students.

·       Foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.

d)    Evaluation Process Enhancement

·       Assess student learning through diverse methods (e.g., presentations, projects, quizzes, and peer evaluations).

·       Provide constructive feedback to promote continuous improvement.

·       Consider incorporating industry-relevant certifications.

 3.     Conceiving Ideas and Problem Identification

a)    Identify Challenges

·       Understand the problems faced by society, industry, or academia.

·       Have confidence that challenges can be met through innovative solutions. 

4.     Two Possibilities: YES or NO

a)    If YES, How Can the Idea Be Realized?

·       Develop a detailed plan.

·       Identify resources, collaborators, and milestones.

·       Create a roadmap for achieving your goals.

b)    If NO, Why Can’t It Be Done?

·       Analyze limitations and constraints.

·       Seek alternative approaches.

·       Persistently explore new ideas until NO converts to YES.

 5.     Outcome:

·       The result of this process will always be soul-satisfying innovative technology. As researchers, we contribute to self-reliance, societal progress, and national development.

·       Feel free to adapt these steps to your context and share them with fellow educators and students.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Revitalizing Mechanical Engineering in India: Balancing Core Fundamentals with Technological Advancements

 Revitalizing Mechanical Engineering in India: Balancing Core Fundamentals with Technological Advancements

The field of mechanical engineering in India faces pressing challenges that require immediate attention. The curriculum must be overhauled to incorporate the rapid advancements in automation and digital technologies across all subjects and chapters. The current exclusion of these critical topics has contributed to the obsolescence of traditional mechanical engineering approaches. Furthermore, there is an urgent need for affordable, extensive mid-career training programs to equip engineers with modern technological skills. The industry is also navigating a transformative phase due to the ‘Make in India’ initiative by multinational companies, which demands industry-ready engineers who can quickly adapt to new requirements and innovations. Proactively addressing these issues is essential for ensuring the long-term success and relevance of the mechanical engineering sector.

However, it is crucial to recognize that teaching automation and digital technologies without a solid foundation in core mechanical engineering principles can further exacerbate the field’s challenges. The integration of cutting-edge technologies must be balanced with a robust grounding in fundamental concepts to prevent the accelerated decline of mechanical engineering. This dual focus will prepare engineers not only to meet current industry standards but also to innovate and lead in the development of new solutions. Ensuring that the foundational knowledge remains at the heart of mechanical engineering education is key to revitalizing the discipline and equipping engineers for future success.

Friday 14 June 2024


My approach begins with the philosophy of “nipping something in the bud,” which means preventing issues from escalating by addressing them early. In the context of efficiently managing process inefficiencies, equipment malfunctions, and team communication within the manufacturing industry, the role of a manager is pivotal. Such a manager should possess a well-rounded combination of qualifications, practical experience, and cognitive abilities. The following points support this perspective:

1.     Qualifications:

·  Educational Background: A bachelor’s or master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or a related field provides a solid foundation. However, practical experience often matters more than formal education.

·    Certifications: Relevant certifications such as Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, or Project Management demonstrate expertise in process improvement and quality management.

·    Industry-Specific Training: Familiarity with industry-specific standards (e.g., ISO 9001) and safety regulations is crucial. 

2.     Experience:

·      Hands-On Experience: Prior experience working on the shop floor or in production is valuable. Understanding the nuances of manufacturing processes, equipment, and personnel dynamics is essential.

·     Leadership Roles: Experience in supervisory or managerial roles helps develop leadership skills. Exposure to handling teams, setting goals, and driving performance is beneficial.

·      Problem-Solving: Practical experience in troubleshooting equipment malfunctions and process bottlenecks is critical. Managers should have a track record of resolving issues efficiently.

3.     Skills and Competencies:

·  Communication: Effective communication with team members, other managers, and stakeholders is vital. Clear instructions, active listening, and conflict resolution are essential.

·      Inventory Management: Understanding inventory levels, supply chain dynamics, and demand forecasting helps prevent shortages and delays.

·      Lean Manufacturing: Proficiency in lean principles (e.g., 5S, Kaizen) to reduce waste and enhance efficiency.

·      Safety Compliance: Prioritizing safety protocols and ensuring a safe work environment is crucial.

·      Problem-Solving: Quick thinking and adaptability when addressing equipment failures or process disruptions.

·      Project Management: Managing production schedules, resource allocation, and timelines.

·      Quality Control: Ensuring product quality through inspections and adherence to standards.

·      Leadership: Motivating and guiding the team toward common goals.

·      Critical Thinking: Analysing complex situations and making informed decisions.

·      Technical Aptitude: Familiarity with manufacturing equipment and technology. 

4.     Cognitive Abilities (IQ):

·      Analytical Thinking: Ability to analyse data, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions.

·      Adaptability: Responding effectively to changing circumstances and unforeseen disruptions.

·      Attention to Detail: Noticing small discrepancies that impact efficiency or quality.

·      Logical Reasoning: Evaluating cause-and-effect relationships in manufacturing processes.

A successful manager combines technical knowledge with interpersonal skills to lead effectively and drive continuous improvement. Therefore the success depends upon how best the selection is made.

Thursday 13 June 2024



Mechanical engineering, often regarded as the evergreen and foundational branch of engineering, wields significant influence across various sectors. Its impact extends beyond technical aspects, reaching into the very fabric of a nation. The following could be repercussions of its failure:

1. Industrial Growth and Employment:

  • Mechanical engineering drives industrial productivity by designing, optimizing, and maintaining machinery and processes.
  • A failure in this field disrupts production lines, reduces efficiency, and affects employment opportunities.

2. Economic Consequences:

  • The backbone of a nation weakens when mechanical engineering falters.
  • Negative effects ripple through the economy, hindering growth and potentially impacting the GDP.

3. Military Preparedness:

  • Mechanical engineering contributes to military hardware, infrastructure, and logistics.
  • A decline jeopardizes a nation’s military muscle power, affecting its standing among highly industrialized countries.

4. Root Causes and Solutions:

  • Despite widespread awareness, addressing the root causes remains elusive.
  • Solutions lie in:
    • Ensuring competent faculty capable of handling mechanical engineering subjects.
    • Aligning education with industry / research needs.
    • Designing curricula that challenge both students and faculty.
    • Prioritizing subjects that serve the nation’s interests.
    • Mitigating nepotism and other hidden factors.
    • Guiding educational custodians toward better decisions.

5. A Call to Action:

  • Urgently, the Indian government must recognize this critical situation.
  • Treating it as a “volcanic” issue, they should take decisive steps to safeguard mechanical engineering’s vitality.

Sunday 9 June 2024



Mechanical Engineering: A Challenging but Rewarding Career Path

Mechanical engineering, like a silent force, profoundly shapes our world. If any of the following areas resonate with you, align with your vision, or inspire you to contribute to India’s progress and prosperity, then Mechanical Engineering is where your choices converge. As one of the oldest and broadest branches of engineering, it serves as a foundation for various other disciplines. Its impact on GDP remains substantial, driving innovation, economic growth and generates millions of jobs. Often considered the mother of engineering and evergreen branch, it offers a diverse overview of possibilities: The following provides the overview:

  1. Innovation and Design: Mechanical engineers create novel solutions-from intricate machinery to life-saving medical devices. Their designs enhance our quality of life.
  2. Infrastructure: Roads, bridges, buildings, refineries, cross country pipelines, off-shore structures, rely on mechanical principles. Engineers ensure safety, efficiency, and sustainability.
  3. Energy Systems: Power plants, Renewable energy, and Heating, Ventilation, and Air conditioning (HVAC) systems - all driven by mechanical engineering-power our lives.
  4. Transportation: Cycles, Cars, planes, ships, and trains owe their existence to mechanical ingenuity. Mobility connects us globally.
  5. Manufacturing: Factories produce goods efficiently due to mechanical innovations. Our economies thrive.
  6. Collaboration with AI: Mechanical engineers work alongside AI systems, leveraging their computational power for complex calculations, simulations, and analyses. This synergy amplifies their capabilities.
  7. Optimizing Designs: Engineers now use AI algorithms to optimize product designs, predict maintenance needs, and enhance overall system performance.
  8. Efficiency and Accuracy: AI streamlines processes, increases productivity, and improves decision-making. It assists in modelling, saving time and resources.
  9. Space exploration: Designing Rockets for Space Travel, Developing Propulsion Systems, Creating Robotic Arms for Astronauts, Life Support Systems, Habitable Environments, Withstanding Harsh Conditions, Investigating Other Planets.
  10. Defence: Design and Development of Weapons Systems, Vehicle Design and Development, Prototyping and Testing, Manufacturing and Maintenance, Research and Development

 In essence, mechanical engineering is the backbone of progress, supporting humanity’s aspirations.

Sunday 19 May 2024



From where Arvind Kejriwal is drawing power to be so arrogant and above law and constitution? Why is that there is no one in the country to show him the mirror or is everyone afraid of him? Without any prejudice, this is true for all other politicians who are arrogant and disrespectful towards law of the land.

 Who are the people who are approving everything he does? Is opportunism so strong that 200 units and 20,000-liter free water (mostly not potable) per month has forced people to sacrifice their self-esteem?

 Unscrupulous politicians whether in power or opposition are destroying the nation by offering freebies at the expense of the taxpayer's money. Some politicians justify these as welfare measures, but in reality, these freebies distort prices, undermine credit culture, and disincentivize work.

 Our education has failed to strengthen the spine of most (not all) of the people. Whatever, the tall claims made, our nation is sliding and we all are heading for an unmanageable chaos if this trend continues.